Question: How to use HodgeStar command for forms on Lie Algebras?

I want to calculate Hodge Star of forms on a solvable Lie algebra L, I have defined a metric tensor g on it. But when I use that g to compute the Hodge Star of an operator it tells me that the g is not a metric tensor.

A := Matrix(4, 4, [[A__11, A__12, A__13, A__14], [A__21, -A__11, A__23, A__24], [-A__24, -A__23, -A__11, A__21], [-A__14, -A__13, A__12, A__11]]);
x := [x__1, x__2, x__3, x__4, x__5, x__6];
StructureEquations := [[x[6], x[1]] = a*x[1], [x[6], x[2]] = add(A[1, i]*x[i + 1], i = 1 .. 4), [x[6], x[3]] = add(A[2, i]*x[i + 1], i = 1 .. 4), [x[6], x[4]] = add(A[3, i]*x[i + 1], i = 1 .. 4), [x[6], x[5]] = add(A[4, i]*x[i + 1], i = 1 .. 4)];
L := LieAlgebraData(StructureEquations, [x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], x[5], x[6]], Alg1);
e := [e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6];
theta := [theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6];
omega := evalDG(add(theta[i] &wedge theta[7 - i], i = 1 .. 3));
g := evalDG(add(theta[i] &t theta[7 - i], i = 1 .. 3));
HodgeStar(g, theta1)

It is showing the following error,

Error, (in DifferentialGeometry:-Tensor:-HodgeStar) expected 1st argument to be a metric tensor. Received: _DG([["tensor", Alg1, [["cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [`...`]])

How can I correct this? If not is there an alternative of doing what I am trying to do?

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