Question: solving two integral equations

Hello everyone, I was wondering if I can get some advice on solving two integral equations given below for u and b. y(r) is parametrically dependent on 'u' and 'b'. l := -C1*(int((3*polylog(5/2, -exp(b*(u-y(r))))/b^(5/2)+y(r)*polylog(3/2, -exp(b*(u-y(r))))/b^(3/2))*r^2, r = 0 .. 10.))-C2=0; I2:=C3*(int(r^2*polylog(3/2, -exp(b*(u-i))), r = 0 .. 10.))/b^(3/2)-1=0; where C1,C2,C3 are numbers and y(r) is parametrically dependent on 'u' and 'b'. y(r) is a potential of some sorts and if i approximate y(r) = -G*M/r and use Newton Rhapson to solve these equations, d'u' does not converge. 1) Basically, how can i solve these equations without approximating anything for y(r)? 2) The problem says that 'y(r) is parametrically dependent on u and b'. How can this info be used to solve these equations? Thank you in advance, MS
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