Question: I have problem

          I am a student, Faculty of engineering, computer systems department, my field of study as Theoretical and modeling by using Maple. I have more difficult to solve the system of differential equations . I need any help from you by any way you could suggest. ( you can change the initial conditions to get the primary solution). I try by many methods but i can get any solutions.

dB1(z)/dz= - a.B1(z) – (g/AE). B4(z). B1(z)
dB2(z)/dz= +a.B2(z) + (g/AE). B3(z). B2(z)
dB3(z)/dz= - a.B3(z) + (g/AE). B2(z). B3(z)
dB4(z)/dz= + a.B4(z) – (g/AE). B1(z). B4(z)
 where: a, g , AE : constants.

 Initial conditions:

B1(0)= Bpf
B2(L): R2.B1(L)

Where: R2, Bpf,Bsf: constants

 Thanks and Best regards.


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