Question: Maple toolbox for Matlab problem

Hi All,

I cannot transfer variables from Matlab to Maple as shown in the demonstration video for Maple toolbox for Matlab.

Here is what I did:

I run the Matlab using: matlab-sym-maple.bat
and checked that it is using the maple (not the symbolic toolbox version):
toolbox_version maple

open my maple 13, do
got: User Interface, Kernel, Library, Maple Toolbox for MATLAB: 397624

back in Matlab:
>> syms x y
>> g=int('sin(x*y)^2*x',x)
>> setmaple('G',g)

in Maple:
and it just give me "G"  rather than the whole expression.

Please let me know if you have any idea on what could be the problem of why my Maple doesn't talk to my Matlab.

My system: WinXP (service pack 3) +Matlab (R2008a)+Maple 13+ Maple toolbox for Matlab (the free one downloaded June 10,2009)

Many thanks!

-= Di =-


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