Question: Italic functions in MathML

I'm seeing some curious behaviour when I use maple to produce MathML for my TA questions. What I want to do is generate the first few terms of a sequence, followed by "...". I've managed to achieve this in Maple, but it's the conversion to MathML that is causing trouble. I've pasted the code below, showing what I'm trying to do. Maple TA code: $W1=maple("printf(MathML:-ExportPresentation( [seq('ln'(2*3^i),i=0..3),`...`] ))"); $W2=maple("printf( StringTools[CharacterMap](convert(`[]`,string),convert(`[]`,string), MathML:-ExportPresentation( [seq('ln'(2*3^i),i=0..3),`...`] )));"); $W3=maple("printf( StringTools[CharacterMap](convert(`[]`,string),convert(` `,string), MathML:-ExportPresentation( [seq('ln'(2*3^i),i=0..3),`...`] )));"); Output: 8801_mathmlitalic.jpg Now W1 looks fine, except I don't want the brackets to show. W3 is my attempt to remove them - it just replaces the fence characters [ and ] with whitespace in the hope that they won't show up. It works, but then the functions appear in italic! I thought this was maybe a problem with the resulting MathML being invalid, but W2 suggests otherwise. That replaces [ with [ and ] with ] - i.e. it does nothing to the MathML string. I've confirmed that by viewing the output in Maple. So, why does it render differently? More importantly, does anyone have suggestions for how I can get W3 without the italics?
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