Question: Labelling axes with symbols in plots

Hi, Having got to grips with the basics of Maple TA, I'm now getting fussy over details! I've been authoring using LaTeX, and I've hit a problem with plotting. I have put the following code in the question text: \drawMaplePlot*[300][300]{ plot( sin(x), x=-3.5..3.5,-1..1,tickmarks=[[-Pi=-Pi,0=0,Pi=Pi],[1,0,-1]] ) } but the tickmarks command doesn't seem to work properly. Where I expect to see Pi and -Pi labelled on the axes using the actual pi symbol, I just get the text: The documentation for Maple TA says that the tickmarks option should work, and when I run that plot command in Maple 11 I get this: I should also point out that I can't just use a static image, because the function being plotted is randomised in the question. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
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