Question: constant of integration and maple graded questions syntax

Hi, I'm just writing a question bank for some simple integration exercises. This causes some problems with the constants of integration and the syntax of maple graded questions: If I ask for int(1/sqrt(x^2+4),x) one student could give the correct answer ln(x+sqrt(x^2+4)) and another one could give arcsinh(x/2), which is correct as well but with another additive constant. In formula mode one of these results would not be acknowledged as correct. Therefore I tried to use maple graded questions and compare the differentiated results. I used the syntax like in the manual at and wrote \begin{question}{Maple} \code{ $a=range(2,5); $b=maple("1/sqrt(x^2+$a)"); $c=maple("int($b,x)"); } \qutext{$\int\frac{dx}{\sqrt{x^{2}+\var{a}}}$} \maple{evalb(simplify(diff($RESPONSE,x)-$b)=0);} \end{question} \end{question} but with the \maple-part translates to qu.1.1.part.1.maple=evalb($RESPONSE = evalb(simplify(diff($RESPONSE,x)-$b)=0););@ which gives a false result. If I change the question bank by hand to qu.1.1.part.1.maple=evalb(simplify(diff($RESPONSE,x)-$b)=0);@ it works fine. Did I make a mistake in my LaTeX file or is this a mistake in latex2ta? Is there an easier way to accomplish what I want or do I really have to change all edu files by hand after translation with latex2ta? Any help is welcome, Michael
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