Question: Efficiency in Mapel T.A. algorithms

Nowadays i am trying to program a kind of computer algorithm to generate a random mathematical formula, and I'm having an argument with another mapleTA programer, the question is this one: What is more efficient, have a question for all the types of formulas with random variables or have only one question with a code like: $a = range(-5,5); $ea= range(1,5); $eb= range(1,5); $ec= range(1,5); $eq1 = switch(rint(7),maple('$a*x^$ea*y^$eb*z^$ec'),maple('$a*x^$ea*y^$eb'),maple('$a*x^$ea*z^$ec'),maple('$a*y^$eb*z^$ec'),maple('$a*x^$ea'),maple('$a*y^$eb'),maple('$a*z^$ec')); condition: ne($eq1,0); $op1 = rint(5); $f1 = if( eq($op1,0), maple('$eq1'), switch($op1-1,maple('$b * exp($eq1)') ,maple('$b * ln($eq1)'),maple('$b * cos($eq1)'),maple('$b * sin($eq1)')) ); $eq = maple('MathML:-ExportPresentation(f(x,y,z) = $f1)'); I wanna ask for you opinion, what do you preffer? I dont know soo much about internal operations of mapleTA but it takes more time to load the question (not soo much) i think is because these calls more times to maple sentence.
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