Question: Escape character for quotation marks


I am trying to plot a function via

\drawMaplePlot*{plot($m*(t-$t0),t=0..$tmax,labels=["t in a.u." ,"a in a.u."], labeldirections=[HORIZONTAL,VERTICAL])}

using LaTeX-authoring. This will result in

drawMaplePlot("plot($m*(t-$t0),t=0..$tmax,labels=["t in a.u." ,"a in a.u."], labeldirections=[HORIZONTAL,VERTICAL])",250,250);

in the edu-file. The problem is that the second " is interpreted as the end of the argument to drawMaplePlot.
What is the escape character for "? Escaping by \, i.e. \" does not work.

Of course the maple command
plot(m*(t-t0),t=0..tmax,labels=["t in a.u." ,"a in a.u."], labeldirections=[HORIZONTAL,VERTICAL])
does exactly (called within maple) what it should.
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