Question: Problems with and bugs of equation editor

I have encountered two problems with the symbolic editor in Maple T.A. 2.5. Both problems do not occur in Version 2.0.1:

Problem 1: Typesetting x^$n in authoring a question.
This will result in
<math xmlns=''><mstyle fontfamily='Times New Roman' mathsize='12' mathcolor='#000000' mathbackground='#ffffff' ><mrow></mrow></mstyle></math><math xmlns=''><mstyle fontfamily='Times New Roman' mathsize='12' mathcolor='#000000' mathbackground='#ffffff' ><mrow><mrow><msup superscriptshift='0'><mi mathcolor='#000000' mathbackground='#ffffff' mathsize='12' mathvariant='italic' fontfamily='Times New Roman'>x</mi><mrow><mi mathcolor='#000000' mathbackground='#ffffff' mathsize='12' mathvariant='italic' fontfamily='Times New Roman'>$</mi><mi mathcolor='#000000' mathbackground='#ffffff' mathsize='12' mathvariant='italic' fontfamily='Times New Roman'>n</mi></mrow></msup></mrow></mrow></mstyle></math>
Note that $ and n are separated. So the variable $n is effectively torn apart into $ times n. The only remedy I found is to typeset x^{$n}. But then the curly brackets will be typeset as well.

Problem 2:
The following question askes for the exact value of sin(pi/4).
algorithm=$vorfaktor = '1/4';
$auszuwerten = maple("printf(MathML:-ExportPresentation(sin($vorfaktor*pi)))");
$answer = sqrt(2)/2;@
question=Geben Sie den exakten Wert (d.h. keine numerische Näherung) von $auszuwerten an.@
Using the line editor
sqrt(2)/2 and 1/sqrt(2)
will be graded correct. Not so for the symbolic editor (with sqrt replaced by the graphical symbol for root).
As already indicated above: The question runs fine under version 2.0.1 for both line and graphical editor.

What is the implication? Should I ask my student NOT to use the graphical editor? Or should I go back to version 2.0.1 and accept those bugs which have been fixed meanwhile?

Is there a way to replace the new graphical editor in 2.5 by the old one of 2.0.1?
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