Question: how to solve DAE with bvp probelems?

hi everyone,

i have study maple for many days .now i have two questions about DAE with bvp probelem . maple 11 doesn't seem to solve the problems.

the question one is :

k1'(t)= -1              (1)      

k1(t)-2*a(t)*k2(t)=0       (2)

a(t)=v'(t)                 (3 )    

j(t)=a'(t)                4              

m-a^2(t)-g^2(t)=0          (5)       

g(t)*k2(t)=0               (6)

n+k2(t1)(m^2-g^2(t1))=0     (7)

the boundary isv(0)=0    v(t1)=p(constant )    a(0)=0  a(t1)=0

where,  k1(t),k2(t),a(t),g(t),j(t),v(t) is fucntion of "t" t  range :0-t1 ,t1 is unkown ,m,n, p are known constant

the question two  is :

x1’(t)=x2(t)       x1(t0)=x0                

x2’ (t)=u(t)          x2(t0)=v0       t0 ,tf ,x0,v0 ,v1 为已知量   

k1’(t)=0            k1(tf)= -1      

k2’(t)=-k1(t)         x2(tf)=v1          



z(t)*z(t)=[u(t)-u2]*[u1-u(t)]           u2<=u(t)<=u1   u1 u2 为已知量 

where,  k1(t),k2(t),k3(t),z(t),u(t),x1(t),x2(t) is fucntion of "t" t  range :t0-t1 , t0 ,tf ,x0,v0 ,v1 ,u1, u2  are known constant

i have study many days but fail to solve ,can you give some help to solve them with numeric method?

contact me    thank you !


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