Question: Solve coupled equations

I am working with coupled diff. equations to find equilibria (set equations to zero and solve simultanously). Currently I am working with two equations for predator prey systems. I have typed them like this:


> EqP := r*P(1-P/K)-h*P*M = 0;
                              /    P\            
                           r P|1 - -| - h P M = 0
                              \    K/            
> EqM := M(beta*h*P-c) = 0;
                             M(beta h P - c) = 0
> solve({EqM, EqP}, {M, P});
Warning, solutions may have been lost


It works with other equations I have tested, but not with these ones, i only get the solutions may have been lost message. What am I doing wrong?


Sincerely Britt Inga>

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