Question: residual meansquare


Got the script below, was trying to plot data from excel in maple and get a curve fitting. i was trying to get the residual meansquare for the curve fitted (last line script), but the script did not return anything. see attached. please let me know what was wrong.


with(Statistics);  with(ExcelTools); Data := Import("c:\\my folder\\Book2fuji.xls");


V, C := Data[.., 1], Data[.., 2];





ans1 := Fit(a*x^2+c, V, C, x);


p1 := plot(ans1, x = 0 .. 200);







pp1:= pointplot(convert(V, Vector), convert(C, Vector),symbolsize=5,color=green);



ans1_res:=Fit(a*x^2+c,V,C,x,output = 'residualmeansquare');



Got the script below, was trying to plot data from excel in maple and get a curve fitting. i was trying to get the residual meansquare for the curve fitted, but the script did not return anything. see attached.

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