Question: Error, (in plots/tolist) points are not in the correct format


I have some problems with pointplot3d command. This text worked in Maple 12 but it doesn't work now...

I have got this "Error, (in plots/tolist) points are not in the correct format".

My text:

file := fopen(`C:\\Users\\Kate\\Documents\\ChSU\\New Project Mobile\\Inverted-L antenna\\ILA 900 MHz Analysis\\ILA 900 MHz.txt`,READ):
Data := readdata(file,7):
Data :=convert(Data,array):
N := 30603/3:
coords_x := array(1..N):
coords_y := array(1..N):
Ex := array(1..N):
Ey := array(1..N):
Ez := array(1..N):
t := 1:
for i from 1 to N do
coords_x[i] := Data[t,1]:
coords_y[i] := Data[t,2]:
Ex[i] := Data[t,6]:
Ey[i] := Data[t + 1,6]:
Ez[i] := Data[t + 2,6]:
t := t + 3:
end do:
field := array(1..N):
for i from 1 to N do
field[i] := sqrt(Ex[i]^2 + Ey[i]^2 + Ez[i]^2):
end do:
coords_x := `<,>`(coords_x):
coords_y := `<,>`(coords_y):
field := `<,>`(field):
pointplot3d(coords_x, coords_y, field, axes=normal, title=`Near field plot`);

I have data "ILA 900 MHz.txt" like this:

-10.000 -10.000 1.800 -4.99e-02 3.91e-02 6.34e-02 141.9
-10.000 -10.000 1.800 1.09e-01 1.65e-01 1.98e-01 56.5
-10.000 -10.000 1.800 -4.99e-01 4.06e-01 6.43e-01 140.9
-9.800 -10.000 1.800 2.66e-02 -5.83e-02 6.41e-02 -65.5
-9.800 -10.000 1.800 -1.84e-01 -9.39e-02 2.06e-01 -152.9
-9.800 -10.000 1.800 2.19e-01 -5.62e-01 6.03e-01 -68.7
-9.600 -10.000 1.800 3.25e-03 5.77e-02 5.78e-02 86.8
-9.600 -10.000 1.800 2.10e-01 -2.97e-02 2.12e-01 -8.0
-9.600 -10.000 1.800 9.45e-02 5.58e-01 5.66e-01 80.4
-9.400 -10.000 1.800 -2.98e-02 -4.46e-02 5.36e-02 -123.8
-9.400 -10.000 1.800 -1.60e-01 1.47e-01 2.17e-01 137.5
-9.400 -10.000 1.800 -3.49e-01 -3.86e-01 5.20e-01 -132.2

(there are 30603 lines).

Could you help me... What's the problem?

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