Question: to find the constants of a equation with data x and y are given

I have very simple equation for example


from equation   y=x+ex

we get the data     x :  1, 2, 3 , 4 ,5 , 6, 7 , 8 , 9 , 10

                           y :  3.7, 9.39, 23.09, 58.60, 153.41, 409.43, 1103.63, 2988.98, 8112.08, 22036.47


1)  from this data how to plot the graph?

2)  If we have the general equation say, y=ax + ebx    , how to plot the graph dan to find the constant values a dan  b

3)  How to plot the graph together from (1) dan (2) in one graph

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