MaplePrimes Questions

How can dsolve be persuaded to yield the solution to a 2nd order ODE in trigonometric terms please? E.g. dsolve({x
Hi - I am having problems generating a latex document from a Maple worksheet under OS X. I'm using Maple 10. When I create even a simple worksheet like: > foo := Matrix([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]); and try to export it as latex (using the command from the 'File' menu), I have two problems. The first is that the generated latex file has the line: usepackage{maplestd2e} which I belive should be (since I can't find a maplestd2e.sty either in my distribution or on the website): usepackage{maple2e} After making this change and trying to typeset the document I get the following error:
Hi. I have searched the forums and haven't found any topics relating to what I am experiencing. If there are, I apologize and would appreciate a pointer to where I can get more info. I am creating some course content, and am working in document mode so as to make the document easier to view. I am working with Maple 10 on a mac (OSX 10.4.3). My frustration is this: I get very inconsistent behavior when I try to type a math equation in the document. If I have no typesetting (no sections, etc), then things work fine. If I am inside a section, however, and input something in math mode (option-R on a mac), then when I hit enter, instead of seeing the calculation, it just goes to a new line. Sometimes it gives me a calculation, but not often. I
Is it possible in maple9 to turn 2D-graphs upside down

I am trying to plot a function via

\drawMaplePlot*{plot($m*(t-$t0),t=0..$tmax,labels=["t in a.u." ,"a in a.u."], labeldirections=[HORIZONTAL,VERTICAL])}

using LaTeX-authoring. This will result in

drawMaplePlot("plot($m*(t-$t0),t=0..$tmax,labels=["t in a.u." ,"a in a.u."], labeldirections=[HORIZONTAL,VERTICAL])",250,250);

in the edu-file. The problem is that the second " is interpreted as the end of the argument to drawMaplePlot.
What is the escape character for "? Escaping by \, i.e. \" does not work.

Of course the maple command
plot(m*(t-t0),t=0..tmax,labels=["t in a.u." ,"a in a.u."], labeldirections=[HORIZONTAL,VERTICAL])
I love the way Maple has transformed my understanding of math. I wonder if users can buy and download Maple from Maplesoft web site. This way any person in the world (from Michigan to Mongolia) can use Maple and really enjoy math and make important contributions to the sciences.

I have encountered two problems with the symbolic editor in Maple T.A. 2.5. Both problems do not occur in Version 2.0.1:

Problem 1: Typesetting x^$n in authoring a question.
This will result in
<math xmlns=''><mstyle fontfamily='Times New Roman' mathsize='12' mathcolor='#000000' mathbackground='#ffffff' ><mrow></mrow></mstyle></math><math xmlns=''><mstyle fontfamily='Times New Roman' mathsize='12' mathcolor='#000000' mathbackground='#ffffff' ><mrow><mrow><msup superscriptshift='0'><mi mathcolor='#000000' mathbackground='#ffffff' mathsize='12' mathvariant='italic' fontfamily='Times New Roman'>x</mi><mrow><mi mathcolor='#000000' mathbackground='#ffffff' mathsize='12' mathvariant='italic' fontfamily='Times New Roman'>$</mi><mi mathcolor='#000000' mathbackground='#ffffff' mathsize='12' mathvariant='italic' fontfamily='Times New Roman'>n</mi></mrow></msup></mrow></mrow></mstyle></math>
I'm trying to find the largest prime number in consecutive digits of e but maple seems to have problems with large integers. Does anyone know a way to make this work better? for i from 0 to 100 do a := floor(e*10^i); #e is the natural base e if isprime(a) then print(a); end if end do it finds the first 3, then gives the error: Error, cannot determine if this expression is true or false: isprime(floor(100000000*exp(1))) I believe it is due to precision of integer values.
PROBLEM: Construct and display the first 10 elements of the Fibonacci sequence F_n, defined such that F_1 = F_2 = 1, and F_n = F_(n-1) + F_(n-2) for n > 2. This is how I approached this: Any suggestions or criticisms about my approach would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. >
I noticed that commands work when I use with(student) and fail to work when I use caps as in with(Student) Am i entering the wrong syntax? Maple help says Student supercedes student package.
I enter the following and I get the "unable to load module 'rightbox'" message. Student[Calculus1][rightbox](sin(x),x=0..Pi,20) Please let me know how to fix this
I would like to know if it is possible, how to plot a function that is stepwise, something like: for x< -1, y=2-x; for -1<= x <= 1, y=x; for x>1, y=2x+1;
Is it possible to do this all on one plot? I'm extremely new to Maple, so I apologize if the answer is quite obvious! Thanks!
PROBLEM: Do not use the functions nextprime, prevprime, or ithprime in this exercise. Use some kind of do-loop or nested do-loops and conditional statements to compute and display an expression sequence, assigned to the variable P, consisting of the 10 smallest positive prime numbers. This is what I came up with. I reached the value of the counter "n", (for lack of a better name) by trial and error, and that just happened to give me the correct number (10) of primes in the sequence P. >
can you animate implicitplots? if so, how?
Hello, I need to find a limit function of recurent progression: y0 = a; yn = a + int(x * y(n-1), x) for n=infinity. Thank you very much for any solution P HK
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