MaplePrimes Questions

> Suppose I create a matrix as follows:

> Maple Equation

Now I want to make it a 4 x 3 matrix by adding a specific row vector on top. The approach below doesn't work.

> Maple Equation

Hi I pretty new to Maple and I have the following question. I make some calculations and out pops a number of values I am interesting. This is done several times in a loop (which I don't know the number of iterations of). Now, I would like to save these values so I can use them later on. My idea was to put everything into a matrix, and increase the size of it during runtim. I.e. initialize M for 1 to 5 do some calculations that return a and b change M so that M equals the old M with a and b added as last row end do How do I do this?
Hello, I am quite new to Maple and I am trying to solve a system of 3 non-linear equations in 3 variables (A,zp,zh). I have tried the solve command, but after waiting few hours I have decided to stop the computation. Could someone help me with this? The system is as follows eq1 := 1/(-138.8888889/(24000000-50/3*zh)^1.5-.50/zh^1.5-122.7222223/(-8640000+47/3*zh)^1.5)*(5.465600000*A/(1+zp)^.5e-1 +(-16.66666667/(24000000-50/3*zh)^.5+1.0/zh^.5+15.66666667/(-8640000+47/3*zh)^.5)*(.3e-1+.3*A))=0; eq2 := .4879000781e-6/A*(1+zp)^2.05*((-1952000.00*A/(1+zp)^1.05+50/3)*(.3e-1+.3*A)-10.93120000*A/(1+zp)^.5e-1
Hi: In one part of my calculation, I need to assume some properties for a variable; later on, the assumption is no longer needed so I clear the variable. After that, I cannot manipulate any of the previously calculated expressions containing that same variable. Here is an example. How do I get around this? I really need to clear the variable for other reasons. Thanks Mike restart;assume(n>0); > test:=-5/81*n^5+b*n^4+c*n^3+d*n^2+e*n+f; 5 5 n~ 4 3 2 test := - ----- + b n~ + c n~ + d n~ + e n~ + f 81
The enclosed file has 2 document blocks. As far as I can tell, each block is identical except for the name of a procedure defined in it. When I go into Block A and select Format/Collapse Document Block, the procedure does not disappear. When I go into block B, it does. I'd appreciate it if someone could tell me why the difference. -Thanks View on MapleNet or Download 2292_Georgework
In the file I just uploaded,, the final statement is a text statement which has had two matrices copied into it. These matrices were copied from the output of equation 3). Is there any way I could make this 'live'. In other words, is there any way I could make it so that the matrices displayed in the last statement would change if the output of statement 3 changed? Also, I was forced to put the statements about the ZZZ matrices at the bottom of the worksheet because when you click the T (text) button, a new document block is always created at the bottom of the file. If I had wanted to put the statement about the ZZZ matrices right under equation 3), is there a way to have done this?
hi; using the animate3d command i would like to create a kind of reference plain, i.e. i would like to insert a plain at a certain value to figure out at which "point" the animated surface cuts through this reference plain. it should look like the static version shown in the linked worksheet: View 1682_cp on MapleNet or Download 1682_cp
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Hi friends, In my maple procedure I m calculating large amount of point then I m plotting them. Although I don’t know how many points will be calculated, I have a logical upper bound for number of points. I was using the method 1: for i from 1 to N do if something is okey then x := ... y := ... data := [op(data), [x,y]]: end if; od: but I have relalized that this is really slow. Then I started to use Method 2: data := array(1..N): j := 0; for i from 1 to N do if something is okey then x := ... y := ... j := j + 1; data[j] := [x,y]:
I have a problem with my project. It’s a mathematic problem of least square. And the mathematic formula maybe complex to me. So I have no idea to solve this question with MAPLE,because I learn maple a few day by myself, but the time of project will end in follow months. This is too bad for me. Maybe I need some help, but I don’t know who knew the maple around me. The last hope is the kinds of friend of . if you have interesting of my question,you can download my upload files. best regard's Download 1984_I have a problem with my project.doc
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Hello, I have a 1.5 million digit string and would like to cube it. I believe I have succeeded in reading the text file, but don't quite have the language right for manipulating and sending back to text. Thanks in advance, Dan
Suppose we have a column vector B of n elements. Whats the simplest code for creating n x n Matrix A whose off diagonal elements are 0 and whose diagonal elements are the elements of B?
I have developed a Maplet tutorial in which the output of the Maplet Evaluate is an X-Y plot displayed using the Maplet Plotter element. I would also like the Maplet to display the numerical X-Y data in a format that would allow the students to simply copy and paste the data directly into an Excel document so that they can carry out additional analysis of the data. Any suggestions?
Hi, I'm trying to get maple to output the numerical answer, from a call to dsolve, to an external txt file; but I'm having a bit of trouble. I want to do this so that I may then plot the results in an external program like easy-plot, or just analyse them. I'm using a "read" command in Maple to read in a procedure from a txt file (shown below), which I then execute in Maple: #Utilise prime notation for derivatives wrt t: with(PDEtools, declare): with(plots): declare(y(t), prime=t, quiet): #Also shorten output notation: alias(y=y(t),y0=y(0),yp0=D(y)(0)): #define the ODE: ODE:=diff(y,[t$2])-(1-y^2)*diff(y,t)+y=0;
When using Maple 10's clickable capabilities one easily gets the results requested. However at the end of a long session the user has a long list of generated results , but it is not easy to recall what was done. Is there a way to find out what commands are hidden behind the right arrows that precede the results shown? For example: If my worksheet shows x^2 -> 2x, is there a way for me to have Maple produce x^2; diff(x^2,x); (or similar) which shows I took the derivative of the expression with respect to x. Thanks in advance. Tom

> Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

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