MaplePrimes Questions

How can I get the equation G1 automatically shown in Latex as stated? Example:

G1 := V = Pi*(d/2)^2*h;


# yields V=1/4\,\pi\,{d}^{2}h




How can I make G1 inert so that Latex generator accepts it as input?

I am a beginner with Maplesoft.

I have a data file with several devices IDs and links between these devices (more than 5000 links). For representing a network in Maple, I am aware that the GraphTheory package should be used. The vertices and edges are to be defined and the graph to be displayed.

The examples that I have looked at do not have such a large number of links. With more than 5000 links in the data file, I am not sure how to proceed further.

Any help or pointers would be highly appreciated.

I have data matrix in text file.

I opened it with Maple and replaced decimal commas to decimal points + replaced column separator to semicolon.

Then I set 'Convert to plain text'.

After these modifications, I would like to export that Maple worksheet back to .txt  file with content exactly as shown on the display.

But if I export the worksheet as Maple text, extra pound signs are added to the beginning of each row. In this case I cannot import data to matrix datatype=float.

If I export the worksheet as Plain text, all the rows are destroyed and I cannot import data into matrix as well.

How can I export worksheet content, exactly as shown on display, into text file?

I attempt to get two (or better, three) datas from an XLSM file. The tools doesn't work. I want then to do some tests about the apparied datas extracted.

Could you help me ? The best I did was getting a matrix result from an XLS (and not XLSM) file, and I don't know what to do with this kind of result, as I want only test some hypothesis as a linear regression with or without least squares, not do learn what to do with this matrix result..

Thx to you,


hello everybody, 

Is there some trick to bypass the limiited scope of the semicolon statement operator ?

More specifically, is it possible to force Maple to display (apart from the explicit use of the 'print' command) the results of the commands within two nested loops or within a loop and and a conditional statement ?

From the help page concerning statement operators it seems that it is truly impossible ...

"Note: This rule does not apply to statements enclosed in the body of another statement such as an if statement, loop, procedure, module, use statement, or try statement. In these cases, all enclosed statements must be separated by a semicolon or colon."

While not blocking it is a rather irritating limitation :-)

Hello all,

I've been writing this procedure and it all works apart from the final sequence. I don't know why the final sequence doesn't input a number. Any suggestions? Thank you in advance!


Hi everybody

In the attached file, when I run the code, a confusing error message appears. Obviously, the product of a 3*2 matrix by a 2*1 matrix is possible, but Maple gives an error. These 2 matrices are multiplied correctly in another worksheet. What's the source of this error?

Thanks in advance

Hi Everyone!

I want to import a maple 3D Diagram to TecPlot or Excel.

The diagram is a function of x & y.

I couldn't find any soloution to export a 3D diagram in Maple.

Any solution???



I am trying to simplify the following polynomial.

> R1 := collect(((3*d1^2-2*d1-d1^3)*r-3*d1^2+d1^3+2*d1)*R^3+((-6*d1+7*d1^2-d1^3)*r^2+(d1-d1^3-3*d1^2+2)*r)*R^2+((-6*d1+6*d1^2)*r^3+(-4*d1^3+6-7*d1+2*d1^2)*r^2)*R+(2*d1^2-2*d1)*r^4+(-2*d1^2-4*d1+4)*r^3,[R,r,d],recursive);


With the "collect along with rucursive" unable to give compact version. In the above polynomial most of the bracket terms will have factors([3*d1^2-2*d1-d1^3]=-d1*(d1-1)*(d1-2)), but the collect command unable give these factors, doing such manual simplification in bigger polynomial case is complex. Is there any way to represent above polynomial in compact form.


Thanking you in advance.





Hi everyone!

I have a problem solving the nonlinear ode (as attached below). I got this error ---> Error, (in fproc) unable to store '-1.32352941215398+(-0.441176470717993e-1, -0.)' when datatype=float[8]

1) Could someone please explain to me what does the unable store .... error means? 

and i will be grateful if you could help me finding the solution out. Thanks in advance



Trying to plot the function 7*x^2+22*xy+7*y^2+14*xz*sqrt(3)+14*yz*sqrt(3)-5*z^2 = 180, I tried using implicitplot3d to plot it, with ranges I'm quite certain should contain the surface but for whatever reason all I get is a blank plot with no graphics. Here's my input:


Loading plots

[animate, animate3d, animatecurve, arrow, changecoords,

complexplot, complexplot3d, conformal, conformal3d,

contourplot, contourplot3d, coordplot, coordplot3d,

densityplot, display, dualaxisplot, fieldplot, fieldplot3d,

gradplot, gradplot3d, implicitplot, implicitplot3d, inequal,

interactive, interactiveparams, intersectplot, listcontplot,

listcontplot3d, listdensityplot, listplot, listplot3d,

loglogplot, logplot, matrixplot, multiple, odeplot, pareto,

plotcompare, pointplot, pointplot3d, polarplot, polygonplot,

polygonplot3d, polyhedra_supported, polyhedraplot, rootlocus,

semilogplot, setcolors, setoptions, setoptions3d, spacecurve,

sparsematrixplot, surfdata, textplot, textplot3d, tubeplot]
implicitplot3d(7*x^2+22*xy+7*y^2+14*xz*sqrt(3)+14*yz*sqrt(3)-5*z^2 = 180, x = -50 .. 50, y = -50 .. 50, z = -50 .. 50, axes = normal);


Not sure what I'm doing wrong exactly. 

Dear All,

I have a problem solving the attached nonlinear system of equations using shooting method.
I will be grateful if you could help me finding the solutions out.


restart; Shootlib := "C:/Shoot9"; libname := Shootlib, libname; with(Shoot);
N1 := 1.0; N2 := 2.0; N3 := .5; Bt := 6; Re_m := N1*Bt; gamma1 := 1;
FNS := {f(eta), fp(eta), fpp(eta), g(eta), gp(eta), m(eta), mp(eta), n(eta), np(eta), fppp(eta)};
ODE := {diff(f(eta), eta) = fp(eta), diff(fp(eta), eta) = fpp(eta), diff(fpp(eta), eta) = fppp(eta), diff(g(eta), eta) = gp(eta), diff(gp(eta), eta) = N1*(2.*g(eta)+(eta-2.*f(eta)).gp(eta)+2.*g(eta)*fp(eta)+2.*N2.N3.(m(eta).np(eta)-n(eta).mp(eta))), diff(m(eta), eta) = mp(eta), diff(mp(eta), eta) = Re_m.(m(eta)+(eta-2.*f(eta)).mp(eta)+2.*m(eta)*fp(eta)), diff(n(eta), eta) = np(eta), diff(np(eta), eta) = Re_m.(2.*n(eta)+(eta-2.*f(eta)).np(eta)+2.*N2/N3.m(eta).gp(eta)), diff(fppp(eta), eta) = N1*(3.*fpp(eta)+(eta-2.*f(eta)).fppp(eta)-2.*N2.N2.m(eta).(diff(mp(eta), eta)))};
blt := 1.0; IC := {f(0) = 0, fp(0) = 0, fpp(0) = alpha1, g(0) = 1, gp(0) = beta1, m(0) = 0, mp(0) = beta2, n(0) = 0, np(0) = beta3, fppp(0) = alpha2};
BC := {f(blt) = .5, fp(blt) = 0, g(blt) = 0, m(blt) = 1, n(blt) = 1};
infolevel[shoot] := 1;
S := shoot(ODE, IC, BC, FNS, [alpha1 = 1.425, alpha2 = .425, beta1 = -1.31, beta2 = 1.00, beta3 = 1.29]);
Error, (in isolate) cannot isolate for a function when it appears with different arguments
p := odeplot(S, [eta, fp(eta)], 0 .. 15);
Error, (in plots/odeplot) input is not a valid dsolve/numeric solution
Error, (in plots:-display) expecting plot structure but received: p
p2 := odeplot(S, [eta, theta(eta)], 0 .. 10);
Error, (in plots/odeplot) input is not a valid dsolve/numeric solution
Error, (in plots:-display) expecting plot structure but received: p2



I am interested in using conformal maps for image distortion. How can this be made in Maple (an analogy to the ImageForwardTransformation[] in Mathematica, see Thanks!

The problem that I'm asking about here doesn't show in the MaplePrimes display of the worksheet below; you'll need to download the worksheet to see it. The problem is that the last subsection (which is currently empty) overlaps with the second-to-last subsection. It also overlapped when it was not empty. I just want to delete that last subsection, but nothing that I've tried works. This is not the first time that I've had overlapping subsections, but previously I've always been able to fix the problem by closing and re-opening the worksheet. That doesn't work in this case. A scratch space for testing NewSLO:-reparam

Modify at will.

Created by Carl 2016Jun17.


Important: If any change is made to KB.mpl or NewSLO.mpl then before running this worksheet

1. Restart all open Maple sessions.

2. From the command line, run "cmaple -q < update-archive.mpl".



dir:= "C:/cygwin64/home/owner/hakaru/maple/":

Load:= proc(package::symbol) read ""||dir||package||".mpl" end proc:






Passed cases


Cases being worked on


infolevel[reparam]:= 2:


Linear fractional transformation (LFT) with symbolic coefficients


LFT with explicit coefficients


Simplest nonlinear LFT: 1/x


Symbolic constant multiple


Two-variable LFT with Gamma


Two-variable constant multiple with ChiSquare and Standard Normal


(t16) Sum of std normals to Normal(0, sqrt(2))


(t20) Sum of n Bernoullis to Binomial


(t23) Sum of Exponentials to Gamma




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