32 Reputation

4 Badges

18 years, 24 days

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(It's probably obvious I'm new to Maple ...) I tried your solution - however, the fsolve results, even though they give a good match when plugged back into the function, do not match up with the graphical solution. E.G. if one plots f(nTst,v) as a function of v, i.e. using nTst=5, the plot will show an ordinate of 0.5 at an abscissa value of about 0.0804, whereas the fsolve result indicates 0.0197 If I use the sqrt of the f times its conjugate, the plots appear the same, but the numerics burp. ALSO, if one takes the 0.0197... solution from above, and put it manually into the function: abs(f(nTst,0.197) one gets the value 0.95478... which is not close to the 0.5 from the evalf(theSol) There is clearly some sort of bug here. Any idea to whom I should point this out? Thanks -Monty
(It's probably obvious I'm new to Maple ...) I tried your solution - however, the fsolve results, even though they give a good match when plugged back into the function, do not match up with the graphical solution. E.G. if one plots f(nTst,v) as a function of v, i.e. using nTst=5, the plot will show an ordinate of 0.5 at an abscissa value of about 0.0804, whereas the fsolve result indicates 0.0197 If I use the sqrt of the f times its conjugate, the plots appear the same, but the numerics burp. ALSO, if one takes the 0.0197... solution from above, and put it manually into the function: abs(f(nTst,0.197) one gets the value 0.95478... which is not close to the 0.5 from the evalf(theSol) There is clearly some sort of bug here. Any idea to whom I should point this out? Thanks -Monty
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