Sergei Kucherenko

16 Reputation

2 Badges

18 years, 105 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Sergei Kucherenko

Thank you all for your replies ! Yes, direct application of commands works but I have a bit more complicated case. To arrive to expression for f I use f := proc(n) local prd, i, x; prd := 1; x := array(0 .. n); for i to n do prd := prd*x[i]; prd end do end proc Then f.e. > f(3); x[1] x[2] x[3] but > diff(f(3),'x[1]'); 0 and I expect of course x[2]x[3]. I use Maple 9.5.
Thank you all for your replies ! Yes, direct application of commands works but I have a bit more complicated case. To arrive to expression for f I use f := proc(n) local prd, i, x; prd := 1; x := array(0 .. n); for i to n do prd := prd*x[i]; prd end do end proc Then f.e. > f(3); x[1] x[2] x[3] but > diff(f(3),'x[1]'); 0 and I expect of course x[2]x[3]. I use Maple 9.5.
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