Fons van Engelen

12 Reputation

One Badge

18 years, 35 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Fons van Engelen

I am currently running a Maple T.A. Homework Assignment for approximately 300 students. For the fitst time, I have included some "sketch" questions, but they are giving many many problems. I instructed students how to download, install and enable Java if necessary, but the problem is persistent, so much that I suspect it is not the students fault. Of some of them at least I know their settings seem fine. Is there a known problem with Java 1.5.0_09, which is what they get from download? Any help is appreciated, also info about what questions I should ask them to find out where the problem is: I
I'm aware that this probably is not the right place to post this, but is there anybody who can do something about being unreachable? I have to convert a BIG LaTeX-file this weekend for students to work on starting Monday and have been unable to connect for the past twelve hours or so.
I am trying to get students to solve inequalities. They have to enter intervals and I modify their response-string before processing it. Something weird happens when using RegSubs. I have reduced the behaviour to the following maple*-code: expr := convert("$RESPONSE",string); with(StringTools); expr1:=RegSubs(",(.+)[)]"=",Open(\\1))",expr); evalb(expr1="(0,Open(1))"); This returns true when I enter "(0,25)" (without the quotes of course; you can replace 25 with anything you like). So, instead of the parenthesised .+, the \\1 just yields a 1. When I execute the code in my own Maple10, the correct substitution is made. I think our server runs Maple9. Any comment is appreciated.
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