zafar khan

72 Reputation

6 Badges

18 years, 81 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by zafar khan

Thanks for your kind replies

I need an asymptotic series in general which contains S0, because S0 in my actuall analysis is the postion of a phase change problem. which changes after time to time. Thats why I need a general form. I have numerical results for it, but I am interested in asymptotic. 

My main equation which conatin the discuss part (which we now are playing with to get asymptotic series) is 


For the above equation i need asymptotic series.


Thanks once again

If I suppose that S0 belong to (0 1) then is it possible that i will get an asmptotic series in terms of S0.

Thanks for your very very quick responce. I already tried to convert it first to exp form and then I applied asympt but I face the same problem.

Actually I need it in general form. I dont want to give a specific value of S0.

If you have some other idea please let me know.


One thing more can i generate four plots at a time from this code which you send me

One thing more can i generate four plots at a time from this code which you send me

Thankyou so much Bro.

May Almighty give you more happiness.

Thankyou so much Bro.

May Almighty give you more happiness.




I try to upload but it doesn't work. now I am sending you the procedure which I use.

Thanks for your time


> with(plots):
> for j from 1 to 1 do
> grnumber:= x -> stats[random,normald](1):
> T:=1.0:
> n:=1000:
> dt:=T/n:
> t:=array(0..n):
> w:=array(0..n):
> g:=array(0..n):
> wt:=array(1..n+1,1..2):
> w[0]:=0:
> t[0]:=0:
> wt[1,1]:=0:
> wt[1,2]:=0:
> for i from 0 to n-1 do
> t[i]:=i*dt:
> g[i]:=grnumber():
> w[i+1]:=w[i]+g[i]*sqrt(dt):
> wt[i+2,1]:=(i+1)*dt:
> wt[i+2,2]:=w[i+1]:
> end do:
> a[j]:=pointplot(wt,connect=true):
> end do: display(a[1]);


I try to upload but it doesn't work. now I am sending you the procedure which I use.

Thanks for your time


> with(plots):
> for j from 1 to 1 do
> grnumber:= x -> stats[random,normald](1):
> T:=1.0:
> n:=1000:
> dt:=T/n:
> t:=array(0..n):
> w:=array(0..n):
> g:=array(0..n):
> wt:=array(1..n+1,1..2):
> w[0]:=0:
> t[0]:=0:
> wt[1,1]:=0:
> wt[1,2]:=0:
> for i from 0 to n-1 do
> t[i]:=i*dt:
> g[i]:=grnumber():
> w[i+1]:=w[i]+g[i]*sqrt(dt):
> wt[i+2,1]:=(i+1)*dt:
> wt[i+2,2]:=w[i+1]:
> end do:
> a[j]:=pointplot(wt,connect=true):
> end do: display(a[1]);

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