Jesse Armagost

8 Reputation

2 Badges

17 years, 359 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Jesse Armagost

I see what you mean. However, my guess is that I won't run into this problem (unless I do something dumb). I'm using Maple to help with the algebraic "crunching" in circuit analysis. In these cases I should always be able to solve for Vo/Vi (the transfer function) with no ambiguity. Thanks for the great help!
I see what you mean. However, my guess is that I won't run into this problem (unless I do something dumb). I'm using Maple to help with the algebraic "crunching" in circuit analysis. In these cases I should always be able to solve for Vo/Vi (the transfer function) with no ambiguity. Thanks for the great help!
I guess that does work, but I was after the more "pretty" solution provided by Acer. ;-) Thanks!
I guess that does work, but I was after the more "pretty" solution provided by Acer. ;-) Thanks!
Thank you very much-- that's exactly what I was trying to do. By the way, what would you call that operation (if not isolating a subexpression)? It was very hard trying to search for help topics originally!!
Thank you very much-- that's exactly what I was trying to do. By the way, what would you call that operation (if not isolating a subexpression)? It was very hard trying to search for help topics originally!!
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