ömür tosun

12 Reputation

4 Badges

17 years, 174 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by ömür tosun

hi, i made a markov model with 2 treshold values (k and n, n>k) and 3 maintenance activities. i write my availability equation: for a = λd / (λd + λin) P(0,0)= 1 / ( k + ((k-1) * (λin/μin)) + ((k-1) * (λin/μm)) + (a * ((1-a^(n-k))/(1-a))) + (a * ((1-a^(n-k))/(1-a)) * (λin/μin)) + (a * ((1-a^(n-k))/(1-a)) * (λin/μM)) + ((a^(n-k) * (λd/μD)) ) Availability = P(0,0)*(k + (a * (1-a^(n-k)))) i want to find the optimal λin which max. the availability.. is there any way to solve without giving any numerical values??
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