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17 years, 309 days

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Humm ok!It's not what I want but is a conclusion, because the variable 'i' is the most important variable(i-current to the electromecanic system). In your opinian, the only away to resolve the system is to derivate the last equation, right? The last question: in my sistem can I make the Plot delta(i) or xi(i) and Q(i), for x=b and y=l?
Humm ok!It's not what I want but is a conclusion, because the variable 'i' is the most important variable(i-current to the electromecanic system). In your opinian, the only away to resolve the system is to derivate the last equation, right? The last question: in my sistem can I make the Plot delta(i) or xi(i) and Q(i), for x=b and y=l?
Humm, the last system that i gave you is a example, because my objective is to resolve this system: PDE := [rho*(diff(delta(x, y, t), t, t)) = (1/2*y^2-1/16*d^2)*Y*(diff(xi(x, t), x, x, x, x))+((2*G+lambda)*v-lambda)*(diff(xi(x, t), x, x))+16*Q(t)^2*y*(d^2-2*y^2)/(d^4*b^2*l^2*e), diff(delta(x, y, t), y) = v*y*(diff(xi(x, t), x, x)), i = 8*Df*Q(t)/d^2+l*Lp*(int((2*G+lambda*(v-1))*(diff(xi(x, t), x, x)), x = 0 .. b)+1/12*Y*d^2*int(diff(xi(x, t), x, x, x, x), x = 0 .. b))+(diff(Q(t), t))] in this case the error is: > pdsolve(PDE); Error, (in pdsolve/sys) not implemented for composite functions of the unknowns of the system as in int(diff(diff(diff(diff(xi(x, t), x), x), x), x), x = 0 .. b) The maple can't resolve this system?Why?
Humm, the last system that i gave you is a example, because my objective is to resolve this system: PDE := [rho*(diff(delta(x, y, t), t, t)) = (1/2*y^2-1/16*d^2)*Y*(diff(xi(x, t), x, x, x, x))+((2*G+lambda)*v-lambda)*(diff(xi(x, t), x, x))+16*Q(t)^2*y*(d^2-2*y^2)/(d^4*b^2*l^2*e), diff(delta(x, y, t), y) = v*y*(diff(xi(x, t), x, x)), i = 8*Df*Q(t)/d^2+l*Lp*(int((2*G+lambda*(v-1))*(diff(xi(x, t), x, x)), x = 0 .. b)+1/12*Y*d^2*int(diff(xi(x, t), x, x, x, x), x = 0 .. b))+(diff(Q(t), t))] in this case the error is: > pdsolve(PDE); Error, (in pdsolve/sys) not implemented for composite functions of the unknowns of the system as in int(diff(diff(diff(diff(xi(x, t), x), x), x), x), x = 0 .. b) The maple can't resolve this system?Why?
My PDE system is: 0 = (.5*y^2-0.6250000000e-1*d^2)*Y*diff(xi(x),x, x, x, x)+([(2*G+lambda)*v-lambda])*diff(xi(x),x, x)+16*Q^2*y*(d^2-2*y^2)/(d^4*b^2*l^2*e) diff(delta(x,y),y) = y*v*diff(xi(x),x, x) i = 8*Df*Q/d^2+l*Lp*([int((2*G+lambda*(v-1))*diff(xi(x),x, x), x = 0 .. b)+1/12*Y*d^2*int(diff(xi(x),x, x, x, x), x = 0 .. b)])] my dependent variable are: delta, xi and Q
My PDE system is: 0 = (.5*y^2-0.6250000000e-1*d^2)*Y*diff(xi(x),x, x, x, x)+([(2*G+lambda)*v-lambda])*diff(xi(x),x, x)+16*Q^2*y*(d^2-2*y^2)/(d^4*b^2*l^2*e) diff(delta(x,y),y) = y*v*diff(xi(x),x, x) i = 8*Df*Q/d^2+l*Lp*([int((2*G+lambda*(v-1))*diff(xi(x),x, x), x = 0 .. b)+1/12*Y*d^2*int(diff(xi(x),x, x, x, x), x = 0 .. b)])] my dependent variable are: delta, xi and Q
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