
50 Reputation

6 Badges

11 years, 208 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by BoeR

Hello again,

I do get your point, which is totally clear to me.
As I started writing, I remembered I've dealt with it in the past (the global and local thing).
So thanks for reminding me about it!

About the answers:
I only managed to get the it done by 'unapply'.
But the other two options; I don't know how that works. Can you explain it to me?

What I've tried so far is in the .mw file.

Hello Carl,Thank you for your reply. I will try it and get back to you when it works well (also when it doesn't). Frank  
Hello Carl,Thank you for your reply. I will try it and get back to you when it works well (also when it doesn't). Frank  

Begin test: [Enter]

When I type and I use enter at the end of the line it's like this:[Enter]

It shows a double enter (one enter spaced). [Enter]

Now I'm gonna use SHIFT+ENTER at the end of the line, like I used previously....[Shift+Enter]
It doesn't show me a double enter. It is written directly underneath the previous line. [2x Shift+Enter]

Then why is the first post weird?! Annoying. [Enter]

Trying to insert the Maple file again, should be no problem I guess. [Enter] [Enter]

When I insert the link it jumps up all the way to the first line of my post and inserts is over there...had to cut/paste it.[Enter]

End test.

Hello again Georgios,

You helped me in the right direction!
I combined your commands with the ones I was looking for.
The adjustments I made can be found in below.
But...thank you very very much for your answer!!
I much appreciate.


Hello again Georgios,

You helped me in the right direction!
I combined your commands with the ones I was looking for.
The adjustments I made can be found in below.
But...thank you very very much for your answer!!
I much appreciate.


Hello Georgios,
Thank you for trying to help me out!
I never tried to display multiple dualaxisplots with the display-command. What I did was try to display all plots with the aid of the command dualaxisplot. So a bit like the other way around.
So I will try this for now...I will let you know as soon as possible.

Cheers, Frank

PS. Hope the enters work this time?

Hello Georgios,
Thank you for trying to help me out!
I never tried to display multiple dualaxisplots with the display-command. What I did was try to display all plots with the aid of the command dualaxisplot. So a bit like the other way around.
So I will try this for now...I will let you know as soon as possible.

Cheers, Frank

PS. Hope the enters work this time?

All the enters are gone...niceAnd I can't seem to fix it, weird.

What happened to all the inserted enters?
This reply does include an enter; weird...didn't do anything different.

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