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These are replies submitted by GFY


Thank you, I have since tried some direct dsolve solutions with the same results as convertsys.And then I'm going to go straight to dsolve.


Sorry, I saw this error after not able to solve, originally thought is not called the Jacobi function package, but after the call still appeared this error


Thanks for your guidance and understanding that global variables cannot be directly replaced with local variables. I saw above that you said there was a problem with this Jacobian matrix. Can you elaborate?



Thanks, (tan(tehta))^2=-1 has no Angle correspondence. Combined with the actual situation of the problem, it is found that theta has little influence on the dynamic response. After solving a and c, I can estimate the result。Sincerely thank you for your approach, I learned a new method to solve this question.I find my maple ability is too poor, I would like to ask you what maple books recommend?


Learn the code you wrote and feel pretty good, but find that plugging a1 and c1 into secular7[1] is not the same as solving theta3 in secular7[3].

@Carl Love 

Thank you for your reply, using your method can indeed jump the singularity and continue to solve, but there are still many singularity points later, and the distance between the two singular points is getting closer and closer, I would like to ask why?


Thank you for reminding me. I did not realize that gamma has a built-in function before. I have modified gamma

solu := dsolve(eval({ics, couple[]}, gamma = gamma__1), [eta(t), varphi(t), V(t)], output = procedurelist, numeric, maxfun = -1)

@Carl Love When this method is used, the same command is used, but the error will always be reported. Why is this?

@C_R I think it is more reasonable to solve the problem in this way

@C_R  Is this equation unreasonable?

@C_R Is that how it's handled?