
65 Reputation

5 Badges

16 years, 165 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Graham

Hi Ivar,


 This functionality does not currently exist. I wanted to thank you for all three of these questions, however - we'd like to incorporate features to address these concerns in upcoming MapleSim versions. Thanks!




Hi Ivar,


  This may not be exactly what you're looking for, but you can use Probe info (right click on the plot) to check the value on the plot at the cursor position. Not the most ideal method, but we are hoping to incorporate this functionality soon.



Hi Ivar,

 You could do this when simulating a MapleSim model using the Maple API, but you can't currently do it directly in MapleSim. As a bit of a workaround, you could export the modelica, then use a Maple script that calls RunSimulation, using the mk1 engine.  This is less than ideal because it also requires adding the probes; the exported Modelica doesn't include the probes (the probes are part of the model, but they aren't in the annotation and not easily extractable).

 In regards to the second part of your question - you're referring to state-snapping, and that is currently in developement to be released in a future version of MapleSim.




Very cool! If I encrypt my message, will I be able to enter that string of numbers on a different computer and have Maple decrypt it properly?
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