
454 Reputation

13 Badges

19 years, 315 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Jarekkk

@Christopher2222 On the other hand it's "funny" that this

seq(isolve({ineq1, ineq2, y >= k, y <= k}), k = 0 .. 5);

works, but this

seq(isolve({ineq1, ineq2, y = k}), k = 0 .. 5);

which is actually the same, does not. :/

Using this command you also have to put k "large enough" to go through all possible solutions. In this case y=1 is the only solution, so k from 0..5 works, however it should be k=0..19 (since ineq2).

I have found it here.

There should be

if x<y then 0  else x-y;

in the procedure M.

I have found it here.

There should be

if x<y then 0  else x-y;

in the procedure M.


Maple: 32bit 15.01

OS: Windows Vista Home Premium SP2

There are 2 *.ini files in the "bin.win" folder:


# set maximum Java heap size
# maxheap=700m

# additional args to pass to Java
# java_args=-Dfoo -Dbar

# additional args to pass to Maple
# maple_args=-q

# popup dialog showing the startup command (for debugging)
# showcmd=true

# enable the Java access bridge (accessibility)
# jaccess=true

# disable directX
# java2d_nodraw=true

# set default browser
# browser="c:/Netscape"



UserDirectory=C:\Program Files\Maple 15\Users

@acer That's a good point! Unfortunately, I have problems (not only) with your command. Maple tells me no solution found. This happens in every interface of Maple.

When I rewrite it into:

Optimization:-Minimize(7*x+3*y, {6*x+2*y >= 49}, assume = nonnegint);

which looks more understandable for me, it works well, but only in the Standard worksheet. I will post a question on this topic.

@acer That's a good point! Unfortunately, I have problems (not only) with your command. Maple tells me no solution found. This happens in every interface of Maple.

When I rewrite it into:

Optimization:-Minimize(7*x+3*y, {6*x+2*y >= 49}, assume = nonnegint);

which looks more understandable for me, it works well, but only in the Standard worksheet. I will post a question on this topic.

@hermitian Sorry for the late response, I didn't know you had replied.

OK, but when there are the same equations repeating, then you can delete those which are unnecessary, since it's less readable.

Why I know that e1 and f0 can not hold together? When you use the equality f0 in e1 you get:

@hermitian Sorry for the late response, I didn't know you had replied.

OK, but when there are the same equations repeating, then you can delete those which are unnecessary, since it's less readable.

Why I know that e1 and f0 can not hold together? When you use the equality f0 in e1 you get:

@kjames05 If w1 is in [0..1] and all other variables are constant, then it's almost the same. max(stdev)=max(E1,E2) + Covar(1,2). You can use maximize or Optimization[Maximize] (be careful about the difference), but you will need to bound the constants in the second case.

@kjames05 If w1 is in [0..1] and all other variables are constant, then it's almost the same. max(stdev)=max(E1,E2) + Covar(1,2). You can use maximize or Optimization[Maximize] (be careful about the difference), but you will need to bound the constants in the second case.

@serena88 You can add the view option to the plot command. I'm not sure how you want it to look like, but try to insert e.g. view = [0 .. 1, 0 .. 1.7] and then you can change it how you want. This means that in your worksheet it would look like:

@serena88 You can add the view option to the plot command. I'm not sure how you want it to look like, but try to insert e.g. view = [0 .. 1, 0 .. 1.7] and then you can change it how you want. This means that in your worksheet it would look like:

Well, it depends on the exact question. Maybe mine was also not precise, but I understand it as each boy or girl "knows" how many pieces he/she can (or better will) eat before (and that is the exact number which can't be bigger or smaller), however we don't know the exact number (only those ranges: 6-7, 2-3), but what we know for sure is that 48 pieces are no enough and 60 pieces are more than enough. :)

Well, it depends on the exact question. Maybe mine was also not precise, but I understand it as each boy or girl "knows" how many pieces he/she can (or better will) eat before (and that is the exact number which can't be bigger or smaller), however we don't know the exact number (only those ranges: 6-7, 2-3), but what we know for sure is that 48 pieces are no enough and 60 pieces are more than enough. :)

@acer Thank you for your comment. It's nice to use the Matrix constructor directly when building the block matrix. It would be good if there was an example of it in the help page (as I haven't found it).

What does SCR mean? Is it Software Change Request?

And how do you insert expressions and matrices as a text (not an image) here, please? (I tried the "Paste as Plain Text" icon, but it doesn't work).

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