The function

110 Reputation

4 Badges

3 years, 84 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by The function

Dear everyone, ive been trying to get to learn Maple, and i am using the book: Advanced Problem
Solving Using Maple. 

I am having issues with not getting the same results as the examples. Although i am using the same imput as the examples. So to me that is really odd. I also noted to get the same results as the examples, i had to change the imput to get there. Now this is a bit more complex problem, and i cant figure out where it went wrong. 

Can you help me?

It did seem to produce the answers, however not in the same fashion as the example in the book. I still had to add the values together. No the solution i got is not what i am looking for. 



The Function 


DDS := a(n+1) = (1+.12*(1/12))*a(n)+1000

a(n+1) = 1.010000000*a(n)+1000


rsolve({DDS, a(0) = 0}, a(n)); a := unapply(%, n)

proc (n) options operator, arrow; 100000*(101/100)^n-100000 end proc


plot([-100000+100000*(101/100)^n], n = 0 .. 100, a = 0 .. 200000)


pts := {seq([k, a(k)], k = 0 .. 24)}; plot(pts, style = point, title = "Savings Account with Monthly Deposit")


rsolve({a(0) = 497.5124378, a(n+1) = -1.01*a(n)+1000}, a(n))



plot([-(11/1005000000)*(-101/100)^n+100000/201], n = 0 .. 20, a = 0 .. 1000)


solve(ev = -1.01*ev+1000, ev)



rsolve({a(n+1) = .5*a(n)+16}, a(n))



rsolve({a(0) = 10, a(n+1) = .5*a(n)+16}, a(n))





rsolve({a(0) = 20, a(n+1) = .5*a(n)+16}, a(n))





rsolve({a(0) = 32, a(n+1) = .5*a(n)+16}, a(n))



rsolve({a(0) = 50, a(n+1) = .5*a(n)+16}, a(n))





solve(ev = .5*ev+16, ev)



solve(ev = .5*ev+64, ev)



rsolve({a(0) = A, a(n+1) = .5*a(n)+64}, a(n)); a := unapply(%, [A, n])



inits := [0, 50, 100, 150, 200]

gen := proc (i, j) options operator, arrow; evalf(a(inits, i)) end proc

proc (i, j) options operator, arrow; evalf(a(inits, i)) end proc


DrugConcTable := Matrix(10, 5, gen)

Matrix(%id = 18446746425282593366)








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