Thomas Richard

Mr. Thomas Richard

3556 Reputation

13 Badges

14 years, 164 days
Technical professional in industry or government
Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Thomas Richard

Can you post the output of running "/lib/"? If it's 2.4 or newer, setting LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1 won't work anymore. Complain to the Linux developers who decided to abandon compatibility.
For the screen output, you could adjust the "Node Limits" setting in Tools > Options > Precision (on the Mac, it's in Maple 10's Preferences menu). Its default is 1000000 (the number you see in the error message), but you can enter values up to 2147483647 (=2^31-1). For writing the expression to a file, you could use CodeGeneration[Matlab] or one of the more general commands (write, fprintf).
That's likely a misunderstanding; inttrans[laplace] just introduces symbols like D(y)(0) for the first derivative of y at 0, etc.. It does not directly let you specify the inital values. For solving ODE problems (including IVPs) via integral transforms, you don't need the inttrans package in general. Instead, dsolve will do, using the "method=" option. Please see ?dsolve,inttrans for more info.
SuSE introduced several incompatible changes with version 9.1 of their distribution, keeping the Standard Worksheet GUI of Maple 9 and 9.50 from starting. Maple 9.51 was the first version that worked again on these new systems. So you could do any of the following: - update to Maple 10 (that's what I'd recommend) - if you want to stick with Maple 9, you should be able to use Classic Worksheet (maple -cw) and avoid all Java based features (Maplets, File > Preferences, Edit > Spellcheck) - downgrade to SuSE 9.0 or earlier
To avoid unwanted large output from nested loops (and other control structures), Maple uses a rule that is described under ?printlevel in the help system. I usually set printlevel:=0 and then write explicit print (or printf) statements where I want to see output.
You will probably have to use DEplot's scene option. Please see ?DEplot for more information. Sorry for this brief reply - I'm a bit in a hurry.
I'm not sure what page you are referring to. Assuming it's ?applications,MathModelToSimulationCode (Help > Manuals, Dictionary, and more > Applications and Examples, then follow "Mathematical Model to Simulation Code" link), scroll down to the appropriate section "Simulation Code". Right-click on the marker bar (you might have to enable it via View > Markers), then select Document Block > Expand Document Block. It is hidden by default. You will see a call to DiffEqtoSimCode being displayed. That procedure is defined along with other lengthy procedures in the first section "Function Definition". If you simply want to solve the ODE, proceed as follows (using 1-D input here for brevity): equ:=diff(y(x),x$2)+diff(y(x),x)=9; sol:=dsolve(equ);
I think it's a bug, because other file operations (including writing text files) work as expected from within a Maplet. It's just writing plots that has no effect...
I have not seen the installer hanging, but if there are no problems listed in the Maple_10_InstallLog.log protocol in your Maple directory, leave it as it is, I'd say. Otherwise report them to tech support (or maybe here, if you prefer). The reboot is necessary for registering fonts on Windows. Without it, you would encounter printing problems, AFAIK.
xvalues:=[2,3,5]: yvalues:=[5,8,11]: xyvalues:=zip((x,y)->[x,y],xvalues,yvalues); zvalues:=[3,7,6]; zip((xy,z)->[op(xy),z],xyvalues,zvalues); If you need this all the time, you might wrap it into a procedure (call it zip3 or so).
About the Uninstall tool that came with Maple 9.5: I've never really used it on Linux (it had some problems, at least on Windows, if I recall correctly), but be aware that a simple "rm -fr" will also remove all subdirectories. So if you installed any packages below Maple's directory, they'll be lost. In particular, the Maplesoft toolboxes, e-Books and the new BlockBuilder will use the "toolbox" subdirectory (and create it if it's not there already). On the other hand, if you want to reinstall anyway, "rm -fr" is okay.
I've answered this question in comp.soft-sys.math.maple earlier today, but for the sake of completeness here it is again: This is due to a bug in Apple's QuickTime 7.0.4 update, which breaks InstallAnywhere (the installer that Maple 10 makes use of). The solution is to reinstall QuickTime 7.0.1. Please see here. As far as we know, only Mac OS 10.3.9 is affected.
There is a C-like preprocessor in Maple (see ?Preprocessor), but it is available only in the Command-line interface. Its $define directive may be what you need, although there are probably better ways: Please post the code you entered so far. The DAE solvers that have been introduced in Maple 9.5 handle IVPs only, but maybe some reader here has an alternative idea. Which Maple version are you running, by the way?
This is a known problem in Maple 10 on Mac OS X with German keyboard layout (maybe other regions as well). AFAIK, it will be fixed very soon. For the moment, you might use 1-D input aka Maple input (please see the Help for more information). You might have to press the space bar after the caret key, then enter the exponent. If that does not help, try the alternative syntax x**2 (very old, undocumented nowadays).
I answered a similar question yesterday in the comp.soft-sys.math.maple newsgroup, but since you mention least squares regression here, I will modify my reply a bit: Besides applying a command such as plot(%,x=0..6); to the output you get from the Assistant when you click the Done button, you could invoke the context menu and select Plots / 2-D Plot (or Plot Builder, if you prefer). This is the more natural approach in Document mode, I guess. Recreating the result (and hence the plot) requires using CurveFitting package commands other than Interactive(). It would be nice if the the Curve Fitting Assistant could generate those commands (and the plot command as well) and return them to the document, just like the Interactive ODE Analyzer does, e.g..
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