
85 Reputation

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11 years, 183 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by abbeykabir

Thanks. It worked. the only diffrence I notice was in my error. Do you know one thing? I always learn something new whenver you write a code for me. Let me say something about this line in your code

macro(LA=LinearAlgebra). I think in a lay-man language you make a copy of the LinearAlgebra package and named it LA, having all the functions and sub-packages of the original LinearaAlgebra. So instead of using the whole LinearAlgebra, I can just us LA. Hope i'm right?

Pls. I have some questions for you I my previous thread. Don't think it will be good enough to ask you here. Thanks once again.


Thanks. It worked. the only diffrence I notice was in my error. Do you know one thing? I always learn something new whenver you write a code for me. Let me say something about this line in your code

macro(LA=LinearAlgebra). I think in a lay-man language you make a copy of the LinearAlgebra package and named it LA, having all the functions and sub-packages of the original LinearaAlgebra. So instead of using the whole LinearAlgebra, I can just us LA. Hope i'm right?

Pls. I have some questions for you I my previous thread. Don't think it will be good enough to ask you here. Thanks once again.


Thanks so much. I'll study the code and give you a feedback.

Thanks so much. I'll study the code and give you a feedback.

@Carl Love Hello. how are you? I'm here once again with my problems. Pls. i have my question detailed in this

@Carl Love Hello. how are you? I'm here once again with my problems. Pls. i have my question detailed in this

@Carl Love Haa!!! very very easy. Don't know why I didn't think to this extent. Thanks once again. I'll surely contact you if I have anything challenging. Thanks Bro...

@Carl Love Haa!!! very very easy. Don't know why I didn't think to this extent. Thanks once again. I'll surely contact you if I have anything challenging. Thanks Bro...

@Carl Love I didn't know you had replied my message. I have also noticed that my x[i]'s are wrong. I noticed it yesterday and since replaced it with x[i]:= x[0] + i*h. Thanks to you the code is now working fine. I'll show my instructor first thing tomorrow morning. Thanks Bro... Looking forward to the seq.

@Carl Love I didn't know you had replied my message. I have also noticed that my x[i]'s are wrong. I noticed it yesterday and since replaced it with x[i]:= x[0] + i*h. Thanks to you the code is now working fine. I'll show my instructor first thing tomorrow morning. Thanks Bro... Looking forward to the seq.

@Carl Love Yes. they both do.

@Carl Love Yes. they both do.

@Carl Love You are really a good teacher. You just told me the result of the question I was about to ask you. It's called NORM. I've been wandering what it does in the code u gave me. think I now understand every part of your code. Thanks Bro. Also, concerning the problem I was solving. I noticed that the fsolve and the newtons code gave the same result. Pls find attached my worksheet. Is like my Lecturer is using error analysis. He's comparing the error of My numerical solution with the analytical solution. Pls explain what it means my error analysis with respect to this problem. Also I really like the way u use the [seq] function. It is very short and I think it also performs the work of a for..loop and I've been trying to convert the for..loop in my wrksheet to a [seq] but I didnt get it. Kindly assist me with it.

@Carl Love You are really a good teacher. You just told me the result of the question I was about to ask you. It's called NORM. I've been wandering what it does in the code u gave me. think I now understand every part of your code. Thanks Bro. Also, concerning the problem I was solving. I noticed that the fsolve and the newtons code gave the same result. Pls find attached my worksheet. Is like my Lecturer is using error analysis. He's comparing the error of My numerical solution with the analytical solution. Pls explain what it means my error analysis with respect to this problem. Also I really like the way u use the [seq] function. It is very short and I think it also performs the work of a for..loop and I've been trying to convert the for..loop in my wrksheet to a [seq] but I didnt get it. Kindly assist me with it.

@Carl Love I hope i'll get this right. We stop iterating when the error difference between two consecutive iteration is relatively small. Maybe i should use the word converge. say abs(x[i+1]-x[i]) > 1e-10.

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