
50 Reputation

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2 years, 55 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by delvin


 No, thank you very much for your precious time to answer.
I ran the program, it didn't run, I sent you a private message,But I don't know why it wasn't sent.
Again, sorry if you are upset.
And thank you very much


Yes, I got it.




@Axel Vogt 


@Axel Vogt 

 File 1 and 2 that you posted cannot be downloaded.
Thank you for your advice


I use version 2022.
Error again!!!
So should I install the new version?

Thank you for your guidance.


Thank you for your valuable time
I want to run the attached program and get the answer to code 01, but it gives the error code 02. Do you know what the reason is? I want to get unknown coefficients and this method came to my mind
I said that maybe the Ln function should be removed somehow.

Thank you for your guidance.


  Thank you for your valuable time.
I want to make a substitution in the eq equation and then calculate the EQ values and finally get the unknown values.
I don't know if the code I uploaded at first is correct or not?
Unfortunately, there is an error.


 Where do I add this command?
Do I need to change another place?


 Yes, unfortunately the equation is complicated. (It is not c, it is c1)
I run your code, but it doesn't give the answer you got.
Thank you for your valuable work.


 is an angle.


 I don't know, I said maybe there is a simpler method to get the unknowns of a polynomial in Maple that I don't know about.


I need the answer to the "eq" equation for a research work, I just use Maple for my work, maybe the solution I used is wrong!!!
How can I get the answer to the equation with a correct solution? Thank you for your guidance


 Thank you
I want to get the unknown coefficients of the equation eq, but now the coefficients are zero!!!



I encountered a problem in getting the answer to this equation, the code does not run.




-(q[2]-q[4])*(q[2]-q[3])*(q[1]-q[4])*(q[1]-q[3])*y(w)^2+(q[1]+q[2]-q[3]-q[4])*(2*q[1]*q[2]-q[1]*q[3]-q[1]*q[4]-q[2]*q[3]-q[2]*q[4]+2*q[3]*q[4])*(diff(y(w), w))*y(w)+(-2*q[1]^2-2*q[1]*q[2]+3*q[1]*q[3]+3*q[1]*q[4]-2*q[2]^2+3*q[2]*q[3]+3*q[2]*q[4]-6*q[3]*q[4])*(diff(y(w), w))^2+(q[1]-q[2]+q[3]-q[4])*(q[1]-q[2]-q[3]+q[4])*(diff(diff(y(w), w), w))*y(w)+(3*q[1]+3*q[2]-3*q[3]-3*q[4])*(diff(diff(y(w), w), w))*(diff(y(w), w))-3*(diff(diff(y(w), w), w))^2+(-q[1]-q[2]+q[3]+q[4])*(diff(diff(diff(y(w), w), w), w))*y(w)+2*(diff(diff(diff(y(w), w), w), w))*(diff(y(w), w)) = 0





Download 2corrected_Ode_equation(1).mw

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