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17 years, 336 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by denitsastaicova

Closer, but as you notice the second number is still far from the 5 digit goal. I really don't understand why it's so hard to do this. Maybe I miss the C programming knowledge, but still...

But your variant is at least fixing the problem for the complex number.


Yup, I want that :) Especially since I prepare the files on one pc and then run them on another. Thanks for letting me know of this option.

Yeah, the power of procrastination :)

I love this site! It reminds me very much of my life right now :)

I want something like: p:=1; for i from 1 by p to 100 do A:=evalf(F(p)); if A <1 p:=p/2;fi; if A >1 p:=p*2 fi; end do; The idea is to modify the step according to my needs. But if I make: p:=1; for i from 1 by p to 100 do A:=evalf(F(p)); if A<1 p:=p/2;fi; if A>1 p:=p*2 fi; print(A,i,p) end do; I see that p changes as required, but i doesn't-I see something like: 0.5, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2 1,3, 4 I'm just creating the example now, but the idea is that p changes with the if clause, while the step in the for-statement which is supposed do be p isn't changing-it's always 1-what was set in the beginning. Anyway, I found a way around this setting a different counter for the for-cycle and using while. It works for some simply examples, I hope it will work with the more complex ones too.
I want something like: p:=1; for i from 1 by p to 100 do A:=evalf(F(p)); if A <1 p:=p/2;fi; if A >1 p:=p*2 fi; end do; The idea is to modify the step according to my needs. But if I make: p:=1; for i from 1 by p to 100 do A:=evalf(F(p)); if A<1 p:=p/2;fi; if A>1 p:=p*2 fi; print(A,i,p) end do; I see that p changes as required, but i doesn't-I see something like: 0.5, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2 1,3, 4 I'm just creating the example now, but the idea is that p changes with the if clause, while the step in the for-statement which is supposed do be p isn't changing-it's always 1-what was set in the beginning. Anyway, I found a way around this setting a different counter for the for-cycle and using while. It works for some simply examples, I hope it will work with the more complex ones too.
hi, i have similar problem in linux version of Maple 11. In order to make it start at all, i had to rename 2 folders, as i'm on 64bit AMD. And now, Maple starts but says - no kernel connection. I'm pretty sure it's not the firewall, so i have no idea what to do. Tried everything i could come up with. And ideas?
i had "/root/maple11/bin/maple: line 446: /root/maple11/jre.X86_64_LINUX/bin/java: No such file or directory" type of errors so after installing 32-bit jre which didn't help(i'm with sabayon which is gentoo based system) i just changed the name of a folder "jre-intel-x86"(or something like that, didn't copy it before renaming) to "jre.X86_64_LINUX" and maple 11 started. :)
Ok,i'm with Sabayon, Gentoo based linux, and i installed Maple using the method editing the *.bin file, and in the end i had the same problem as you guys. Whatever i typed in the console just didn't work. Then i took a look on the installed folder and the answer was obvious. In order to start Maple10 you should navigate to the installed folder,say: /bin/maple10/bin and then to type ./xmaple Doing that,my maple started and now i'm the happiest person on the whole world. I spent 2 or 3 weeks troubling with different distros of lunux just because of Maple10,but now it works and everything is great! Thanks all for your posts,they really helped! :)
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