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MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by ecarette

Maple Learn is a great tool for checking the answer to your math problems, but what happens when your answer is wrong and you don’t know why? Knowing there’s a mistake doesn’t actually tell you what that mistake is. Luckily for you, Maple Learn’s newest feature is here to help you out: steps! Now, with the click of a button, you can see full, step-by-step solutions to a wide variety of problems. Instead of endlessly pouring over your work to find that one misplaced negative sign, you can check the steps to quickly and easily spot where you went wrong. Plus, if you’re having trouble figuring out how to approach a problem, you can sneak a peek at the first few steps to get the ball rolling. Full solutions are an invaluable learning tool, and we’re excited to be able to share them with our users.

A screenshot of Maple Learn showing the derivative of an equation. Next to the derivative is a button labeled Steps, with a graphic of a pair of footsteps.

Getting the steps is simple. When you perform an operation using the Context Panel, you’ll see a “Steps” button appear next to the solution when steps are available. Just click this button! This will take you to a new Maple Learn document showing you a full, detailed solution. Plus, if you want to bring the steps into another document, you can then click the “Copy to Clipboard” button. Checking your solution has never been easier!

What sorts of problems do we have steps for, you might ask? Good question! The answer is a resounding “most of them”. Are you a high schooler? We’ve got steps for factoring, expansion, and solving both equations and linear systems. Doing calculus? Derivatives, integrals, limits, and even solving differential equations all have full solutions available. How about linear algebra? Absolutely! We provide steps for Gauss-Jordan elimination, matrix inversion, finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and calculating the determinant! And that’s just a taste of what Maple Learn can do. We’re working constantly to expand our roster of steps, so let us know what you want to see!

I hear what some of you must be thinking: “But what about when I don’t have my computer with me? I never know when I’m going to need a step-by-step solution to a math problem!” If that’s you, then check out the Maple Calculator! The Maple Calculator provides full solutions just like Maple Learn, and you can carry it around in your pocket for math-on-the-go. With Maple Learn and the Maple Calculator on your side, no math problem can stop you now.

Our grand quest to expand and improve Maple Learn is marching steadily along, and we wanted to share with you some of what we’ve been working on! We’ve added some exciting new features that we hope you’ll enjoy.

First up, we’ve added a new command: the Shaded command. This allows you to shade the area beneath a curve—perfect for helping students understand and visualize integrals. It also looks pretty cool, if I do say so myself.

A screenshot of Maple Learn featuring a cosine function with the area under the curve coloured in.

We’ve also added a few new symbols to our roster. You can now enter the not-equals sign through the Numbers and Operators menu, and we’ve added the upper-case Greek alphabet to the Greek symbols menu. Now you can write your documents entirely in Greek! (Or you can just use them as symbols.)

If you’d rather keep the Latin alphabet, but do want to shake things up a bit, we’ve got just the thing for you: you can now choose either a Serif or Sans Serif font. With that and our other text editing tools, you’ll be able to customize the design of your document to your heart’s content.

If you’re one of our users who requested support for mixed fractions, today is your lucky day! Maple Learn now fully supports mixed fractions, and you can convert between mixed and improper fractions using the Context Panel.

A screenshot of Maple Learn showing 3 and 5/7 being converted to 26/7, and 11/9 being converted to 1 and 2/9.

We also wanted to take the time to mention some of the bugs we’ve fixed based on user feedback. Thanks to you, we have now:

  • Fixed tooltips for floor and ceiling functions
  • Resolved the issue of Maple Learn slowing when using asin(x) in equations
  • Fixed typesetting bug when entering inequalities with fractions
  • Added more support for dealing with units in tables and equations

Thank you to everyone who has sent in their feedback. Your reports are what allowed us to fix these issues. If you ever have feedback for us, whether it’s a bug you’ve found or a feature you’d like to see, use the “Flag a Problem” button to let us know. Maybe it’ll be your suggestion you see here next!

A few weeks ago, some of our sales and marketing representatives decided to spice up some emails with some whimsical poetry. We sent them out to a selection of people, but we thought they were too fun not to share with everyone else! After all, what better way to talk about math products than through poetry? So without further ado, we’re proud to present our collection of mathematical verses:


Math teachers and students, hear this tale of mine

Maple Learn will help you, and it’s online


The interface is freeform, the plots a delight

With Maple behind it, you know they are right


Solve problems from calculus? Easily done!

Algebra, matrices, even trig becomes fun.


Solve line by line, or all in one go

With Maple Learn, you work fast or work slow


Applications are endless, the basic version is free

Fully unlock it for just a small fee


Are you a teacher, from small school or great hall?

Maple Learn Premium is free when you call!



Maple Learn is great, as I hope you recall

But when it comes to math products, that’s not all


Do you have a math problem right before your eyes?

Pull out your phone, is what I advise


A click of your camera, a solution shown to you

Solutions, graphs, and even steps too!


Integrals, matrices, factoring, and more

Maple Calculator solves problems galore


And when find you have even more to do

The problem in the picture reaches Maple Learn too!


Teaching these days can be quite a task

Our products can help you, you’ve only to ask



My final approach, I’ll disturb you no more

Just one final poem for you is in store


On Maple Learn, there’s much more I could say

But instead, here are examples with which you can play


And Maple Calculator too, please don’t forget it

Give it a try, I know you won’t regret it.


My poems are now done, my inspiration depleted

Thanks for your patience as by my poems, you were greeted


We hope you had as much fun reading that as we did writing it. Stay tuned for next week, where we’ll be posting Maple Learn: The Musical! (Just kidding. Unless…?)

With most software, it can take time to learn all the ins and outs and little tricks that make using the software easier. Have you ever learned a new keyboard shortcut for a software you’ve been using for years and found it so useful that you’re kicking yourself not learning it earlier? I certainly have. We thought we’d take the time to highlight five tips and tricks for using Maple Learn, so that you can skip the kicking stage and go straight to the using the cool trick stage!


1. Convert math to text

Here’s the trick that I probably use the most: You can press the spacebar in an empty cell to convert it to text. Just like that! No fiddling with menus, no starting to type and then backtracking as you realize all your words are turning into variables. Just a quick space at then beginning, and then you can type as much text as you’d like. Click the text icon on the left to change it back to math if you change your mind.

An empty math cell in Maple Learn, followed by an arrow and

2. Assigning variables

Have you ever wanted to assign a value to a variable? Who hasn’t? And luckily, Maple Learn makes it easy to do just that. Just use “:=”. For example, you could say “a:=4”. The variable ‘a’ will now have a value of 4 for that group and all subsequent groups. What’s more, a slider will appear, so that you can adjust the value and see how it affects the rest of the document. You can change the range of the slider using the slider settings (that’s the gear) or disable the slider using the Quick Actions menu (that’s the lightbulb). You can also select “Parameterize …” from the Quick Actions menu when you have an expression that contains variables, and sliders will be automatically created for those variables. Another trick to variable assignments is that if you have a table, you can use the header of your table as a variable that contains all the values in that column. No extra work necessary, Maple Learn does this automatically!

A screenshot of Maple Learn showing a parameterized expression with sliders for each variable. There is also a table with a single column. In the next group, the label of that column is shown to be equal to all the values in that column.

3. Order of execution

One handy feature about Maple Learn is that once you’ve assigned values to variables, you can use those variables again for all the groups that come after it. But hold on, I hear you say. How is that order determined? The Maple Learn canvas is dynamic and doesn’t have a set order to it, so which groups are “after”? Well, I’m glad you asked! The small grey number in the top left-hand corner of the group tells you its place in the order. Maple Learn evaluates any assignments according to this order, which means that a variable assigned in group 3 can be used in any group after 3, but not in groups 1 and 2. The order is determined based on where the groups are on the page, starting with 1 in the top-right corner and moving left to right, top to bottom across the page. That means that if you want to change a group’s place to earlier in the order of execution, all you have to do is move the group higher or to the left! The numbers (and thus the order of execution) will update automatically. Handy.

A screenshot of Maple Learn with the group numbers circled in red. The variable defined in group 1 is accessible in groups 2 and 3, and the variable defined in group 2 is accessible in group 3.

4. “Reset document” vs. “Clear document”

You may have noticed two seemingly similar buttons in the toolbar: “Reset document” and “Clear document”. Here’s a little secret: they do actually do different things! Say you’re looking at a shared document, like one of the ones in our Example Gallery. You can mess around with it as much as you’d like: change values, add groups to the canvas, zoom around on the graph, whatever suits your fancy. But, if you decide that you don’t like your changes and want to go back to the original document, you can hit “Reset document” and presto! Back to the original. And “Clear document” will, of course, clear the document.

A labelled screenshot of the Reset and Clear buttons in Maple Learn.

5. Using the keyboard

Are you the type of person who would rather use three keyboard commands to perform a single action than go anywhere near a mouse? Well, you’re in luck, because Maple Learn has several keyboard commands you can use to input functions without even thinking about looking at a menu. You can use standard keyboard math notation and Maple Learn will automatically format it as you would expect: ^ for exponents, * for multiplication, / for division, and so on. What’s more, you can enter “sqrt()” to write a square root symbol, and you can type in any trig function and Maple Learn will treat it as that function! You can see a full list of keyboard shortcuts here. All these things are also available through the palette menus, so a variety of workflows are supported.

An image showing how sqrt(3x^4)/2 is displayed in math notation in Maple Learn.

So there you have it, our top five tricks for using Maple Learn. If you’re looking for a more detailed guide on how to use Maple Learn, check out the How-To pages at the bottom of our Example Gallery. And if you have any tips you’ve found useful for using Maple Learn, let us and your fellow MaplePrimes users know in the comments!

Has this ever happened to you? You’re using Maple Learn, and having a grand old time, but suddenly! The horror! You notice a bug! Of course, it’s a shocking experience to realize that our products are not, in fact, flawless, but unfortunately it’s true. There are bugs. But, what’s this? There’s a glimmer of hope on the horizon… the Flag a Problem button! By using the Flag a Problem button, you can let us know about the problem you found, and with the power of our mighty development team, we’ll fix it! Yes, with our forces combined… we can defeat all of these bugs!

A picture of the Flag a Problem button with glowing rays surrounding it.

In all seriousness, we really do appreciate your feedback. Whether you’ve spotted a bug or are looking for a new feature, let us know! We’re constantly updating and improving Maple Learn, and user feedback is a hugely important part of this process. For example, we had a user suggest that Maple Learn treat Δt as a single entity, as in physics that notation is used to mean a change in time rather than Δ times t. And we’re happy to announce that this is now a feature! Here’s just a taste of some of the other things we’ve changed based on user feedback:

  • Can now use the Context Panel to evaluate operations with matrices
  • Maximum number of intersection points shown has increased to 20
  • Intersection points now shown for parametric equations and circles
  • Using the Context Panel no longer scrolls the page
  • Quick Actions menu no longer parameterizes the f of f(x)
  • Fixed display bug for inverse trig functions

Evidently, not every piece of feedback we get is a feature request. Sometimes there’s bugs! And we want to hear about those too. In all honesty, I think it’s pretty neat to see the bugs I’ve reported being fixed. It wasn’t too long ago that I noticed a small error with tables—when the header of the table had a subscript, pressing the down arrow jumped to the next group instead of the next row. I reported it, and now it’s fixed! I can’t help but feeling a little smug, like I’m the one who fixed it. Of course, the credit for the actual code goes to our developers. But it is also true that they wouldn’t have fixed it if no one had pointed it out. Truly, teamwork makes the dream work. And if you want to feel smug about the bug you pointed out being fixed, or the feature you asked for being added, then head on over to that Flag a Problem button. Let us know what you want to see and we’ll listen. What’s more, we’ll be making more posts every now and then to let you know about what’s new with Maple Learn and what we’ve changed based on your feedback. That way you have something to print out and frame on your wall as proof of the contribution you’ve made to Maple Learn! (Or I suppose you could just read it. But where’s the fun in that?)

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