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MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by janhardo


Thanks, for the approach to change a worksheet or document font size and font type afterwards.
Also intend to set a new persistent font and size for a new worksheet.
Am not familiar with the use in Mape of styles. 
I suspect you can use the styles to create a new document or worksheet template?

How is Maple supposed to know if the 2 integrals converge?
Ok, i see it are the same integrals , then all chances 

J := abs(Int(h(x), x = -infinity .. a) - Int(h(x), x = -infinity .. b));
J_final := simplify(eval(J, {a = max(a, b), b = min(a, b)}));

Compared to chatGPT public where you can ask anything and the 4 commands in Maple ?
The enormous mathematical knowledge that Maple has that you should be able to manipulate with the language model....
Any mathematical question you need to be able to ask and present in Maple itself.
ChatGPT public free, unfortunately cannot show graphs yet.


sol := _C3*x^2 - _C1*x + x;
myconstants := indets(sol, And(symbol, suffixed(_C, nonnegint)));
map(X -> :-parse(X[3 .. ()]), map(X -> String(X), myconstants));
n := max(%);
new_constant := _C || (n + 1);


@Carl Love 

Already becomes problematic when I ask the AI package to make a combined plot of the riemann zeta function and an ordinary sine function in Maple
But can the AI still be helpful ? 

Perhaps not surprising that ChatGPT comes up with a comprehensive proof of the primes' indefiniteness, but does compare for me to my earlier proof in old study material.

The current package for AI in Maple gives 5 commands, but it will be limited in its use for doing math in Maple.
The AI lacks resourcefulness and knowledge to replace a human as well.

I don't see it happening yet here on Maple primes, that all questions for Maple will be answered by AI chatGPT.

Have asked chatGPT a question :
Can chatGPT be self-learning ?
Yes, in a sense ChatGPT can be self-learning, albeit in a limited way. While the model itself does not evolve or learn in the traditional sense as humans do, it can be improved through new training with more data or refinement of algorithms. OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, can regularly update and refine the model based on feedback and new technological developments. These updates help ChatGPT provide increasingly better answers and adapt to changes in language and knowledge.  

Was working a while back on the complex numbers and the Riemann hypothesis here on the forum
Also was then trying to master programming procedures.
But let's see what the AI can help me clarify something with these topics.
Already used the AI with some math questions via chatGPT direct and did get some new insight then. 

Through chatGPT, I can ask for simple procedures in Maple.
Is it possible to have built-in Maple procedures analysed by AI ?
I asked Maple the question in Dutch : give an extensive proof that the number of prime numbers is infinite. 
I got an extensive answer in English and Dutch of the proof and what looked fine

Thanks, haven't visited this forum in a long time.
Have had a lot of good help there. 
Thanks again for this.
Oh, it's the other way around : An experimental interface package loaded in Maple that communicates with ChatGPT
Before this I read that Mathematica is offered as a plugin in chatGPT pro (paid)
What are the experiences with this with this language model in Maple?

The ability in Maple or to see which language model is connected ?

I do read here more messages about  deleted questions
While ago is also deleted the answering of my post 

Isn't one of the moderators the culprit here , who removes post just like that?

To get idea how to doing a proof by induction

Its here solved with Mathematica 

Mathematica Tutorial 12 - Proof by Induction - Bing video

In this case its a sum ,so you need a another solutionstrategy

I don't see my thread here anymore ?

What is happened?

Is it removed or something malfunctioning on the website ?


The presentation of this format of a complex function, here in this example is not accepted by the procedure :  

What is representation of f(z)  = with variable z ?



I wrote:  I must differentiate z = e^i.phi   in order to get the differential dz

In normal math format i was thinking for the expression here above notated
Indeed it must be  z(phi) = exp(i.phi) for maple and the procedure can differentiate this rightside of the equation! 

dz= z(phi)'. d(phi)     (dz is differential of z )


The complex function must be "analytic" in order to possible differentiate it 
note: i must look at information for complex functions classes who are proven analytic 





3.2  The Cauchy-Riemann Equations



a complex analytical function




Download reactie_op_complex_differentieren_in_gemaakte_procedure.mw



"I really hope that you understand that it is impossible for anyone to create a procedure that will produce your as-yet-unstated, desired form of output for all future examples which are not yet known. That is not a Maple thing; it is a logical consequence."

That would be Maplemagical , but i don't believe in fairy tales ( although some people say: it was a fairy tale what they have experienced)

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