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10 years, 115 days

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These are replies submitted by janhardo


Thanks for your answer

Maybe a simplification in Maple to cancel those input modes naming and replace them and call them output modes

How do you want to see as users your written (typed) mathematics on your screen  : as 1D output or as 2D output ?

Keep it simple.



Perhaps can you clarify this more ..

" Then let me say that there is the Maple syntax. Not 1D Maple syntax and 2D Maple syntax. But then, unlike in "1D Math input", when you use "2D Math input" the single Maple syntax is displayed in a way that resembles the way we write formulas with paper and pencil. E.g. exponents are displayed as superscripts, fractions as fractions and, automatically, there is a space surrounding the +, *, =, :=, ->, etc. symbols. Altogether, my brain reads formulas faster and clearer".   


What is the Maple syntax ? : for programming

Well, i choose the standard worksheet mode ofcourse ( classic worksheet is obselote ) togetether with the 2D input , because it looks like with paper en pencil.  


I studied now in a manual in Dutch to work with Maple 16 : Handleiding Maple 16 from Author  Metha Kamminga-van Hulsen

This information i can relate with your help and hopefully becomes now all more clear.

Note: Yes i can see now the handling input/output in a worksheet better ( back in 2000-2004 it was only Maple input 1D, can't remember if there was 2D input used by me ?).



Its impossible for me to understand this excactly without to see a video example
That should be the best approach.

In a worksheet i start with Maple syntax ( writing text /math ) and then i can also convert it ? 

@Carl Love 


Reading your findings about Maple i think i can conclude that the worksheetmode ( not classic ) is the best choice to go for

The 1D input is the most reliable input as i understand and userfriendly math input ( 2D ) seems to be too complicated with a lot of errors for doing serious math.

I remember the worksheet maple from 2000 to 2004 when i studied for math teacher( B ed) and now i am doing some recreational math and need Maple again, for doing some algebraic simplification, differentation and what else more?.
Its a new encounter with Maple after so many years.
Programming is also awesome in Maple  , but never understood the procedures handling exactly and can't blame of course myself for this because, needed is a programming skill.

Let me look how i can learn the new worksheet mode ...  



I looked at the modern worksheet and thinking on the past to classic worksheet ( red commands + ;)  )
Should see some documentexamples from the current worksheetmode .. how to use this mode (what's possible now for math input)

Maybe it is handier mathematical to use the latest worksheet mode  




Well i can go for  both modes and years back the worksheet mode was different then it now is ofcourse

But classic worksheet mode is possible as you mentioned it, but is it not better to use the modern worksheet mode?  
So , i must learn again for both modes

As i understand most commands in worksheet mode and documentmode are the same ?




Microsoft Edge is new browser instead of Explorer (obselote) .. Edge browser ,a shortcut from this Ege browser on my desktop is not easy possible ( Its incredible that this microsoft company comes up with this stupid Edge functionality)

Back to Maple now is also not that easy because in the worksheetmode what i years back used was, is now probably better
I must startover learn again how to handle this new worksheetmode , because the calculations output do now have a number assigned to it. 

It seems to also possible to use not a  ; (semicolon?)  after the commands ( that  more usefriendly) and also no red colored commands are possible?



It seems that the worksheetmode now is different from the old Maple back in 2004 and used a few years later
That's has been a ongoing development in Maple his userfriendlyness

So i must get now used to a new worksheetmode also ...

Thanks for the help!

Thanks for the help

i am not using Maple 2020 version, so the two large buttons are hopefully also on a earlier version

Yes, i think using again the Worksheet mode, that's most easy if don't know nothing about document mode 

Still find it a difficult UI what 's not very intuiative  

@Carl Love 

Thanks for this .. ti try it out


@Carl Love 

This m file must then probably stored in a special folder ..or was the path not correct 
Why it was not working with me this m file 
Perhaps it has t do that  i made a code block( that is not allowed ?) ..like a execution block
I try to learn more about programming in Maple


@Carl Love 


Got a problem with the link feature (javascript).. it doesn't  it work anymore and how about for .m files ?




@Carl Love 



gives .. error , got internal error in typesetting:"Parse: internal error in PostprocessingRec: mod"

The same type of error for ..

before:= {anames(`module`)}:
read "e:\\Mapleprocdrspsmbestanden/fractions.m"
newmods:= {anames(`module`)} minus before;


I don't know if there are modules inside this fractions.m 




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