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10 years, 232 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by janhardo

@Carl Love 

Thanks for this .. ti try it out


@Carl Love 

This m file must then probably stored in a special folder ..or was the path not correct 
Why it was not working with me this m file 
Perhaps it has t do that  i made a code block( that is not allowed ?) ..like a execution block
I try to learn more about programming in Maple


@Carl Love 


Got a problem with the link feature (javascript).. it doesn't  it work anymore and how about for .m files ?




@Carl Love 



gives .. error , got internal error in typesetting:"Parse: internal error in PostprocessingRec: mod"

The same type of error for ..

before:= {anames(`module`)}:
read "e:\\Mapleprocdrspsmbestanden/fractions.m"
newmods:= {anames(`module`)} minus before;


I don't know if there are modules inside this fractions.m 




@Carl Love 


I try to get the name of procedure(s) in the fractions.m

read "e:\\Mapleprocdrspsmbestanden/fractions.m";

How do i know that maple uses correct this library file ? 

before:= {anames(procedure)}:
read "e:\\Mapleprocdrspsmbestanden/fractions.m":
newprocs:= {anames(procedure)} minus before;

newprocs:= {mod} 
Is the name of the procedure in the library file ..mod?

MyProc, do







Thank you very much!

Is it possible to read the whole procedure also, because to know the names only of the new procedures is not what i only want.

I am curious what the content of the new procedures are.


It seem sthat Maple is not suited to make some lessons for the secondary teaching
Making a simple numberline .. is troublesome and making some other illustrations too ..triangles, and other things.

Some illustrations are not connected with a x-axis ,y-axis ?

I like to make some code for  a simple numberline with some arrows..but that seems to be not trivial
- supress the y -axis  ..or making a line and add marks and numbers ?
For this i need to study some old lessons for graphic programming with a loop and array

Let me see if i can do this..

Thanks again!


Uploading a document could be useful, but you give the answer already..fantastic!
It is so trivial..

I looked in old study material from dynamical systems and in these lessons the author is programming the plots and also copied en paste from somewhere else a next plot ..must be

Ah yes that's how this working ..copy and paste
Then someone could have a dedicated worksheet for his graphics programming and there is no need for a document block.





I finally get it clear how it works with document blocks and hiding code..
Only i do see many examples and i cannot see where the code is for the graphs...strange i should say in a document block ..or is this document block locked ?

That seems to me reasonable to protect yur code if you want
Can i lock a document block ?

Thanks in advance 



Thanks !,
I looking for a collection of plotcommands for illustrating purpose..is there special package for this?
It is now a tedious proces of studying other documents and get from ther some commands 


Thanks to @acer i try to get out of this pile of maple information..a nightmare for new users like me.

I try to make a graph embedded in a document and not showing the commands for this.

Still puzzling about this in Maple with the document blocks ( can i use this only in the document mode standalone or also with execution groups ( or is this expand/collaps document blocks working only together with a execution group)( as the old maple worksheet commands )?

Trial and error .. can it be worser? 



Thanks for the answer!

Cannot find the example worksheet back, but there are many of them with ghraphics in it without showing the code behind it Is there a way that i can see this code ? ( i don't think so, suppose some has made a package then this person i snot willing to give his/her code to me)

Is there  a easy introduction how to construct your own package or more then one packages in a module.

On the maple website i cannot find information about a example document (worksheet ) what shows all possibilities what you mention of embedded code 

I like to make some lessons in Maple and need a graphic of a numberline with arrows under it It is than reasonable to to make a procedure for this.



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