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10 years, 206 days

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These are replies submitted by janhardo

"this time delete my post i will upload 1000 of nonsense question and post  and go delete all of them "
Yes, fantastic ...
Spamrobot to this server 

Why are your two post deleted about Adomian polynomials ?, by whom 
Now you getting me angry..
Probably no one will answer from th emoderators ,because this behavior is so narrow-minded and arrogant.
Looks like someone is bullying and enjoys deleting someone else's post
It's Monday again and have nothing to do and go bother someone else 
There will probably be no response from that sneaky moderator 
What a doltishly immature state of affairs here on this forum
You sure feel like a big shot now that you can just delete someone's post?
This whole maple primes forum doesn't amount to shit ( in dutch: dit hele forum stelt geen reet voor)

Question : did you remove your other earlier  question about adomian polynomials ?
If yes: not handy
if no : madness ..have to deal with a half-witted moderator

It's an interesting study topic the odes and pdes, but that requires me to really dive into it if I want to understand more about it.
There are users here on the maple primes forum who are scientifically educated and can help better.

a procedure 




with(inttrans):       # Load the integral transforms package
with(PDEtools):       # Load the partial differential equations tools
with(LinearAlgebra):  # Load the linear algebra package

# Define the Maple procedure to compute truncated series solutions for u, v, and w
TruncatedSolutions := proc(x, y, t, truncOrder)
    local su, sv, sw, u_sol_s, v_sol_s, w_sol_s, u_sol, v_sol, w_sol;
    local u_n, u_n1, v_n, v_n1, w_n, w_n1;
    local Cuvw, Cuv, Cu, Dvw, Eu, Du, Ev, Ew, Euv;
    local u_n_series, v_n_series, w_n_series;
    local u_final, v_final, w_final;
    local PDE1, PDE2, PDE3, IC1, IC2, IC3;
    local L_uv1, L_uw5, L_uv5, eq_su, eq_sv, eq_sw;
    local u_x_y_t, v_x_y_t, w_x_y_t;
    local X, Y, T;  # Symbolic placeholders for x, y, t

    # Use placeholders X, Y, T instead of x, y, t within the procedure
    # Step (3.22) - (3.24): Define the system of nonlinear PDEs
    printf("Step (3.22): Define PDE for u(X,Y,T)\n");
    PDE1 := diff(u(X, Y, T), T) - v(X, Y) * w(Y, T) = 1;
    printf("Step (3.23): Define PDE for v(X,Y,T)\n");
    PDE2 := diff(v(X, Y, T), T) - w(X, Y) * u(X, T) = 5;
    printf("Step (3.24): Define PDE for w(X,Y,T)\n");
    PDE3 := diff(w(X, Y, T), T) - u(X, Y) * v(X, T) = 5;
    # Step (3.25) - (3.27): Initial conditions for each function at T=0
    printf("Step (3.25): Initial condition for u\n");
    IC1 := u(X, Y, 0) = X + 2 * Y;
    printf("Step (3.26): Initial condition for v\n");
    IC2 := v(X, Y, 0) = -2 * Y;
    printf("Step (3.27): Initial condition for w\n");
    IC3 := w(X, Y, 0) = -X + 2 * Y;
    # Step (3.28) - Laplace transforms for each function
    printf("Step (3.28): Laplace transform of u(X, Y, T)\n");
    su := laplace(u(X, Y, T), T, s);
    printf("Step (3.29): Laplace transform of v(X, Y, T)\n");
    sv := laplace(v(X, Y, T), T, s);
    printf("Step (3.30): Laplace transform of w(X, Y, T)\n");
    sw := laplace(w(X, Y, T), T, s);
    # Define placeholders for the transforms of nonlinear terms
    L_uv1 := L[1 + u*v];
    L_uw5 := L[5 + w*u];
    L_uv5 := L[5 + u*v];
    # Step (3.31) - Applying initial conditions in the Laplace domain with placeholders
    printf("Step (3.31): Equation for su with initial conditions applied\n");
    eq_su := su - (X + 2 * Y) = 1 / s * L_uv1;
    printf("Step (3.32): Equation for sv with initial conditions applied\n");
    eq_sv := sv + 2 * Y = 5 / s * L_uw5;
    printf("Step (3.33): Equation for sw with initial conditions applied\n");
    eq_sw := sw - (X - 2 * Y) = 5 / s * L_uv5;
    # Step (3.34) - Express solutions in Laplace domain
    printf("Step (3.34): Solution for u in Laplace domain\n");
    u_sol_s := 1 / s^2 + (X + 2 * Y) / s + 1 / s * L[v * w];
    printf("Step (3.35): Solution for v in Laplace domain\n");
    v_sol_s := 5 / s^2 + (X - 2 * Y) / s + 1 / s * L[u * w];
    printf("Step (3.36): Solution for w in Laplace domain\n");
    w_sol_s := 5 / s^2 + (-X + 2 * Y) / s + 1 / s * L[u * v];
    # Step (3.37) - Applying the inverse Laplace transform to return to time domain
    printf("Step (3.37): Time domain solution for u\n");
    u_sol := invlaplace(u_sol_s, s, T);
    printf("Step (3.38): Time domain solution for v\n");
    v_sol := invlaplace(v_sol_s, s, T);
    printf("Step (3.39): Time domain solution for w\n");
    w_sol := invlaplace(w_sol_s, s, T);
    # Define recursive relations for each function
    printf("Step (3.40): Define recursive term u_n\n");
    u_n := (T -> u_sol);
    printf("Step (3.41): Define next recursive term u_n1\n");
    u_n1 := (T -> invlaplace(L[v * w], s, T));
    printf("Step (3.42): Define recursive term v_n\n");
    v_n := (T -> v_sol);
    printf("Step (3.43): Define next recursive term v_n1\n");
    v_n1 := (T -> invlaplace(L[w * u], s, T));
    printf("Step (3.44): Define recursive term w_n\n");
    w_n := (T -> w_sol);
    printf("Step (3.45): Define next recursive term w_n1\n");
    w_n1 := (T -> invlaplace(L[u * v], s, T));
    # Adomian polynomials for nonlinear terms
    printf("Step (3.46): Polynomial for u*v*w\n");
    Cuvw := u * v * w;
    printf("Step (3.47): Polynomial involving derivatives\n");
    Cuv := w * vx + v * wx;
    # Additional recursive definitions
    printf("Step (3.48): Sum of products for Du\n");
    Du := sum(u[k] * v[k] * w[k], k = 0 .. truncOrder);
    printf("Step (3.49): Initial term for v\n");
    Ev := v0;
    printf("Step (3.50): Sum involving initial terms of u and v\n");
    Ew := v0 + u0 + u1;
    printf("Step (3.51): Double sum for Euv\n");
    Euv := sum(u[m] * v[truncOrder-m], m = 0 .. truncOrder);
    # Steps (3.52) - (3.54) Evaluation of u, v, w in recursive form
    printf("Step (3.52): Evaluation of u in recursive form\n");
    u_x_y_t := diff(u(X, Y, T), T) - v(X, Y) * w(Y, T);
    printf("Step (3.53): Evaluation of v in recursive form\n");
    v_x_y_t := diff(v(X, Y, T), T) - w(X, Y) * u(X, T);
    printf("Step (3.54): Evaluation of w in recursive form\n");
    w_x_y_t := diff(w(X, Y, T), T) - u(X, Y) * v(X, T);
    # Summing recursive terms for final series solutions up to truncOrder
    printf("Step (3.55): Infinite series sum for u\n");
    u_n_series := sum(u_n(X, Y, T), n = 0 .. truncOrder);
    printf("Step (3.56): Infinite series sum for v\n");
    v_n_series := sum(v_n(X, Y, T), n = 0 .. truncOrder);
    printf("Step (3.57): Infinite series sum for w\n");
    w_n_series := sum(w_n(X, Y, T), n = 0 .. truncOrder);
    # Explicit truncated series solutions
    printf("Step (3.58): Truncated series for u\n");
    u_final := sum(u[n](X, Y, T), n = 0 .. truncOrder);
    printf("Step (3.59): Truncated series for v\n");
    v_final := sum(v[n](X, Y, T), n = 0 .. truncOrder);
    printf("Step (3.60): Truncated series for w\n");
    w_final := sum(w[n](X, Y, T), n = 0 .. truncOrder);
    # Substitute the actual values of x, y, and t into the final solutions
    u_final := subs({X = x, Y = y, T = t}, eval(u_final));
    v_final := subs({X = x, Y = y, T = t}, eval(v_final));
    w_final := subs({X = x, Y = y, T = t}, eval(w_final));

    # Output final truncated solutions for u, v, and w, converting expressions to strings to prevent formatting issues
    printf("Final truncated solutions for u, v, and w up to order %d:\n", truncOrder);
    printf("u_final: %a\n", u_final);
    printf("v_final: %a\n", v_final);
    printf("w_final: %a\n", w_final);

    # Return results as a list
    return [u_final, v_final, w_final];

end proc:

"maple.ini in users"


TruncatedSolutions(1, 2, 0.5, 5);

Step (3.22): Define PDE for u(X,Y,T)
Step (3.23): Define PDE for v(X,Y,T)
Step (3.24): Define PDE for w(X,Y,T)
Step (3.25): Initial condition for u
Step (3.26): Initial condition for v
Step (3.27): Initial condition for w
Step (3.28): Laplace transform of u(X, Y, T)
Step (3.29): Laplace transform of v(X, Y, T)
Step (3.30): Laplace transform of w(X, Y, T)
Step (3.31): Equation for su with initial conditions applied
Step (3.32): Equation for sv with initial conditions applied
Step (3.33): Equation for sw with initial conditions applied
Step (3.34): Solution for u in Laplace domain
Step (3.35): Solution for v in Laplace domain
Step (3.36): Solution for w in Laplace domain
Step (3.37): Time domain solution for u
Step (3.38): Time domain solution for v
Step (3.39): Time domain solution for w
Step (3.40): Define recursive term u_n
Step (3.41): Define next recursive term u_n1
Step (3.42): Define recursive term v_n
Step (3.43): Define next recursive term v_n1
Step (3.44): Define recursive term w_n
Step (3.45): Define next recursive term w_n1
Step (3.46): Polynomial for u*v*w
Step (3.47): Polynomial involving derivatives
Step (3.48): Sum of products for Du
Step (3.49): Initial term for v
Step (3.50): Sum involving initial terms of u and v
Step (3.51): Double sum for Euv
Step (3.52): Evaluation of u in recursive form
Step (3.53): Evaluation of v in recursive form
Step (3.54): Evaluation of w in recursive form
Step (3.55): Infinite series sum for u
Step (3.56): Infinite series sum for v
Step (3.57): Infinite series sum for w
Step (3.58): Truncated series for u
Step (3.59): Truncated series for v
Step (3.60): Truncated series for w
Final truncated solutions for u, v, and w up to order 5:
u_final: u[0](1,2,.5)+u[1](1,2,.5)+u[2](1,2,.5)+u[3](1,2,.5)+u[4](1,2,.5)+u[5](1,2,.5)
v_final: v[0](1,2,.5)+v[1](1,2,.5)+v[2](1,2,.5)+v[3](1,2,.5)+v[4](1,2,.5)+v[5](1,2,.5)
w_final: w[0](1,2,.5)+w[1](1,2,.5)+w[2](1,2,.5)+w[3](1,2,.5)+w[4](1,2,.5)+w[5](1,2,.5)


[u[0](1, 2, .5)+u[1](1, 2, .5)+u[2](1, 2, .5)+u[3](1, 2, .5)+u[4](1, 2, .5)+u[5](1, 2, .5), v[0](1, 2, .5)+v[1](1, 2, .5)+v[2](1, 2, .5)+v[3](1, 2, .5)+v[4](1, 2, .5)+v[5](1, 2, .5), w[0](1, 2, .5)+w[1](1, 2, .5)+w[2](1, 2, .5)+w[3](1, 2, .5)+w[4](1, 2, .5)+w[5](1, 2, .5)]





Download example2_pdesystmprime_salim3-11-2024PROCEDURE.mw

Easier to read.


with(inttrans):       # Load the integral transforms package
with(PDEtools):       # Load the partial differential equations tools
with(LinearAlgebra):  # Load the linear algebra package

# Step (3.22) - Define the system of nonlinear PDEs
printf("Step (3.22): Define PDE for u(x,y,t)\n");
PDE1 := diff(u(x, y, t), t) - v(x, y) * w(y, t) = 1;

printf("Step (3.23): Define PDE for v(x,y,t)\n");
PDE2 := diff(v(x, y, t), t) - w(x, y) * u(x, t) = 5;

printf("Step (3.24): Define PDE for w(x,y,t)\n");
PDE3 := diff(w(x, y, t), t) - u(x, y) * v(x, t) = 5;

# Step (3.25) - (3.27) Initial conditions for each function at t=0
printf("Step (3.25): Initial condition for u\n");
IC1 := u(x, y, 0) = x + 2 * y;

printf("Step (3.26): Initial condition for v\n");
IC2 := v(x, y, 0) = -2 * y;

printf("Step (3.27): Initial condition for w\n");
IC3 := w(x, y, 0) = -x + 2 * y;

# Step (3.28) - Laplace transforms for each function
printf("Step (3.28): Laplace transform of u(x, y, t)\n");
su := laplace(u(x, y, t), t, s);

printf("Step (3.29): Laplace transform of v(x, y, t)\n");
sv := laplace(v(x, y, t), t, s);

printf("Step (3.30): Laplace transform of w(x, y, t)\n");
sw := laplace(w(x, y, t), t, s);

# Define placeholders for the transforms of nonlinear terms
L_uv1 := L[1 + u*v];
L_uw5 := L[5 + w*u];
L_uv5 := L[5 + u*v];

# Step (3.31) - Applying initial conditions in the Laplace domain with placeholders
printf("Step (3.31): Equation for su with initial conditions applied\n");
eq_su := su - (x + 2 * y) = 1 / s * L_uv1;

printf("Step (3.32): Equation for sv with initial conditions applied\n");
eq_sv := sv + 2 * y = 5 / s * L_uw5;

printf("Step (3.33): Equation for sw with initial conditions applied\n");
eq_sw := sw - (x - 2 * y) = 5 / s * L_uv5;

# Step (3.34) - Express solutions in Laplace domain
printf("Step (3.34): Solution for u in Laplace domain\n");
u_sol_s := 1 / s^2 + (x + 2 * y) / s + 1 / s * L[v * w];

printf("Step (3.35): Solution for v in Laplace domain\n");
v_sol_s := 5 / s^2 + (x - 2 * y) / s + 1 / s * L[u * w];

printf("Step (3.36): Solution for w in Laplace domain\n");
w_sol_s := 5 / s^2 + (-x + 2 * y) / s + 1 / s * L[u * v];

# Step (3.37) - Applying the inverse Laplace transform to return to time domain
printf("Step (3.37): Time domain solution for u\n");
u_sol := invlaplace(u_sol_s, s, t);

printf("Step (3.38): Time domain solution for v\n");
v_sol := invlaplace(v_sol_s, s, t);

printf("Step (3.39): Time domain solution for w\n");
w_sol := invlaplace(w_sol_s, s, t);

# Define recursive relations for each function (3.40)-(3.42)
printf("Step (3.40): Define recursive term u_n\n");
u_n := (t -> u_sol);

printf("Step (3.41): Define next recursive term u_n1\n");
u_n1 := (t -> invlaplace(L[v * w], s, t));

printf("Step (3.42): Define recursive term v_n\n");
v_n := (t -> v_sol);

printf("Step (3.43): Define next recursive term v_n1\n");
v_n1 := (t -> invlaplace(L[w * u], s, t));

printf("Step (3.44): Define recursive term w_n\n");
w_n := (t -> w_sol);

printf("Step (3.45): Define next recursive term w_n1\n");
w_n1 := (t -> invlaplace(L[u * v], s, t));

# Adomian polynomials for nonlinear terms (3.43)-(3.47)
printf("Step (3.46): Polynomial for u*v*w\n");
Cuvw := u * v * w;

printf("Step (3.47): Polynomial involving derivatives\n");
Cuv := w * vx + v * wx;

# Step (3.48) - (3.51) Additional recursive definitions
printf("Step (3.48): Sum of products for Du\n");
Du := sum(u[k] * v[k] * w[k], k = 0 .. n);

printf("Step (3.49): Initial term for v\n");
Ev := v0;

printf("Step (3.50): Sum involving initial terms of u and v\n");
Ew := v0 + u0 + u1;

printf("Step (3.51): Double sum for Euv\n");
Euv := sum(u[m] * v[n-m], m = 0 .. n);

# Steps (3.52) - (3.54) Evaluation of u, v, w in recursive form
printf("Step (3.52): Evaluation of u in recursive form\n");
u_x_y_t := diff(u(x, y, t), t) - v(x, y) * w(y, t);

printf("Step (3.53): Evaluation of v in recursive form\n");
v_x_y_t := diff(v(x, y, t), t) - w(x, y) * u(x, t);

printf("Step (3.54): Evaluation of w in recursive form\n");
w_x_y_t := diff(w(x, y, t), t) - u(x, y) * v(x, t);

# Step (3.55) - Summing recursive terms for final series solutions
printf("Step (3.55): Infinite series sum for u\n");
u_n_series := sum(u_n(x, y, t), n = 0 .. infinity);

printf("Step (3.56): Infinite series sum for v\n");
v_n_series := sum(v_n(x, y, t), n = 0 .. infinity);

printf("Step (3.57): Infinite series sum for w\n");
w_n_series := sum(w_n(x, y, t), n = 0 .. infinity);

# Explicit sums for solutions (evaluating where possible)
printf("Step (3.58): Truncated series for u\n");
u_final := sum(u[n](x, y, t), n = 0 .. 5);

printf("Step (3.59): Truncated series for v\n");
v_final := sum(v[n](x, y, t), n = 0 .. 5);

printf("Step (3.60): Truncated series for w\n");
w_final := sum(w[n](x, y, t), n = 0 .. 5);

# Display final truncated solutions
printf("Displaying final truncated solutions for u, v, and w:\n");

"maple.ini in users"


Step (3.22): Define PDE for u(x,y,t)


diff(u(x, y, t), t)-v(x, y)*w(y, t) = 1


Step (3.23): Define PDE for v(x,y,t)


diff(v(x, y, t), t)-w(x, y)*u(x, t) = 5


Step (3.24): Define PDE for w(x,y,t)


diff(w(x, y, t), t)-u(x, y)*v(x, t) = 5


Step (3.25): Initial condition for u


u(x, y, 0) = x+2*y


Step (3.26): Initial condition for v


v(x, y, 0) = -2*y


Step (3.27): Initial condition for w


w(x, y, 0) = -x+2*y


Step (3.28): Laplace transform of u(x, y, t)


laplace(u(x, y, t), t, s)


Step (3.29): Laplace transform of v(x, y, t)


laplace(v(x, y, t), t, s)


Step (3.30): Laplace transform of w(x, y, t)


laplace(w(x, y, t), t, s)








Step (3.31): Equation for su with initial conditions applied


laplace(u(x, y, t), t, s)-x-2*y = L[u*v+1]/s


Step (3.32): Equation for sv with initial conditions applied


laplace(v(x, y, t), t, s)+2*y = 5*L[u*w+5]/s


Step (3.33): Equation for sw with initial conditions applied


laplace(w(x, y, t), t, s)-x+2*y = 5*L[u*v+5]/s


Step (3.34): Solution for u in Laplace domain




Step (3.35): Solution for v in Laplace domain




Step (3.36): Solution for w in Laplace domain




Step (3.37): Time domain solution for u




Step (3.38): Time domain solution for v




Step (3.39): Time domain solution for w




Step (3.40): Define recursive term u_n


proc (t) options operator, arrow; u_sol end proc


Step (3.41): Define next recursive term u_n1


proc (t) options operator, arrow; invlaplace(L[v*w], s, t) end proc


Step (3.42): Define recursive term v_n


proc (t) options operator, arrow; v_sol end proc


Step (3.43): Define next recursive term v_n1


proc (t) options operator, arrow; invlaplace(L[w*u], s, t) end proc


Step (3.44): Define recursive term w_n


proc (t) options operator, arrow; w_sol end proc


Step (3.45): Define next recursive term w_n1


proc (t) options operator, arrow; invlaplace(L[u*v], s, t) end proc


Step (3.46): Polynomial for u*v*w




Step (3.47): Polynomial involving derivatives




Step (3.48): Sum of products for Du


sum(u[k]*v[k]*w[k], k = 0 .. n)


Step (3.49): Initial term for v




Step (3.50): Sum involving initial terms of u and v




Step (3.51): Double sum for Euv


sum(u[m]*v[n-m], m = 0 .. n)


Step (3.52): Evaluation of u in recursive form


diff(u(x, y, t), t)-v(x, y)*w(y, t)


Step (3.53): Evaluation of v in recursive form


diff(v(x, y, t), t)-w(x, y)*u(x, t)


Step (3.54): Evaluation of w in recursive form


diff(w(x, y, t), t)-u(x, y)*v(x, t)


Step (3.55): Infinite series sum for u




Step (3.56): Infinite series sum for v




Step (3.57): Infinite series sum for w




Step (3.58): Truncated series for u


u[0](x, y, t)+u[1](x, y, t)+u[2](x, y, t)+u[3](x, y, t)+u[4](x, y, t)+u[5](x, y, t)


Step (3.59): Truncated series for v


v[0](x, y, t)+v[1](x, y, t)+v[2](x, y, t)+v[3](x, y, t)+v[4](x, y, t)+v[5](x, y, t)


Step (3.60): Truncated series for w


w[0](x, y, t)+w[1](x, y, t)+w[2](x, y, t)+w[3](x, y, t)+w[4](x, y, t)+w[5](x, y, t)


Displaying final truncated solutions for u, v, and w:


u[0](x, y, t)+u[1](x, y, t)+u[2](x, y, t)+u[3](x, y, t)+u[4](x, y, t)+u[5](x, y, t)


v[0](x, y, t)+v[1](x, y, t)+v[2](x, y, t)+v[3](x, y, t)+v[4](x, y, t)+v[5](x, y, t)


w[0](x, y, t)+w[1](x, y, t)+w[2](x, y, t)+w[3](x, y, t)+w[4](x, y, t)+w[5](x, y, t)




Download example2_pdesystmprime_salim3-11-2024Variant1.mw


To get about the same results .it is not finished yet, i like to have the same notation(almost possible) for pdes 
I followed the pdf numbering, but other way is to ask for a procedure what i don't do for now


with(inttrans):       # Load the integral transforms package
with(PDEtools):       # Load the partial differential equations tools
with(LinearAlgebra):  # Load the linear algebra package

# Define the system of nonlinear PDEs with detailed notation
PDE1 := diff(u(x, y, t), t) - v(x, y) * w(y, t) = 1;   # (3.22) Define PDE for u(x,y,t)
PDE2 := diff(v(x, y, t), t) - w(x, y) * u(x, t) = 5;   # (3.23) Define PDE for v(x,y,t)
PDE3 := diff(w(x, y, t), t) - u(x, y) * v(x, t) = 5;   # (3.24) Define PDE for w(x,y,t)

# Initial conditions for each function at t=0
IC1 := u(x, y, 0) = x + 2 * y;     # (3.25) Initial condition for u
IC2 := v(x, y, 0) = -2 * y;        # (3.26) Initial condition for v
IC3 := w(x, y, 0) = -x + 2 * y;    # (3.27) Initial condition for w

# Laplace transforms for each function
su := laplace(u(x, y, t), t, s);    # Laplace transform of u(x, y, t)
sv := laplace(v(x, y, t), t, s);    # Laplace transform of v(x, y, t)
sw := laplace(w(x, y, t), t, s);    # Laplace transform of w(x, y, t)

# Define placeholders for the transforms of nonlinear terms
L_uv1 := L[1 + u*v];    # Placeholder for Laplace transform of 1 + u*v
L_uw5 := L[5 + w*u];    # Placeholder for Laplace transform of 5 + w*u
L_uv5 := L[5 + u*v];    # Placeholder for Laplace transform of 5 + u*v

# Applying the initial conditions in the Laplace domain with placeholders
eq_su := su - (x + 2 * y) = 1 / s * L_uv1;    # (3.28) Equation for su
eq_sv := sv + 2 * y = 5 / s * L_uw5;          # (3.29) Equation for sv
eq_sw := sw - (x - 2 * y) = 5 / s * L_uv5;    # (3.30) Equation for sw

# Express solutions in Laplace domain (adding explicit forms)
u_sol_s := 1 / s^2 + (x + 2 * y) / s + 1 / s * L[v * w]; # (3.31) Solution for u in Laplace domain
v_sol_s := 5 / s^2 + (x - 2 * y) / s + 1 / s * L[u * w]; # (3.32) Solution for v in Laplace domain
w_sol_s := 5 / s^2 + (-x + 2 * y) / s + 1 / s * L[u * v]; # (3.33) Solution for w in Laplace domain

# Applying the inverse Laplace transform to return to time domain
u_sol := invlaplace(u_sol_s, s, t);  # (3.34) Time domain solution for u
v_sol := invlaplace(v_sol_s, s, t);  # (3.35) Time domain solution for v
w_sol := invlaplace(w_sol_s, s, t);  # (3.36) Time domain solution for w

# Define recursive relations for each function (3.37)-(3.42)
u_n := (t -> u_sol);                       # Define nth term for u(x,y,t)
u_n1 := (t -> invlaplace(L[v * w], s, t));  # Next recursive term for u
v_n := (t -> v_sol);                       # Define nth term for v(x,y,t)
v_n1 := (t -> invlaplace(L[w * u], s, t));  # Next recursive term for v
w_n := (t -> w_sol);                       # Define nth term for w(x,y,t)
w_n1 := (t -> invlaplace(L[u * v], s, t));  # Next recursive term for w

# Adomian polynomials for nonlinear terms (3.43)-(3.47)
Cuvw := u * v * w;           # (3.43) Polynomial for u*v*w
Cuv := w * vx + v * wx;      # (3.44) Polynomial involving derivatives
Cu := sum(u[k] * v[k], k = 0 .. n); # (3.45) Sum of products of terms of u and v
Dvw := sum(v[k] * w[k], k = 0 .. n); # (3.46) Sum of products of terms of v and w
Eu := u0 + v0;               # (3.47) Sum of initial terms for u and v

# Additional recursive definitions from (3.48) to (3.51)
Du := sum(u[k] * v[k] * w[k], k = 0 .. n);     # (3.48) Sum of products for Du
Ev := v0;                                      # (3.49) Initial term for v
Ew := v0 + u0 + u1;                            # (3.50) Sum involving initial terms of u and v
Euv := sum(u[m] * v[n-m], m = 0 .. n);         # (3.51) Double sum for Euv

# Summing recursive terms for final series solutions (3.55)-(3.57)
u_n_series := sum(u_n(x, y, t), n = 0 .. infinity);  # (3.55)
v_n_series := sum(v_n(x, y, t), n = 0 .. infinity);  # (3.56)
w_n_series := sum(w_n(x, y, t), n = 0 .. infinity);  # (3.57)

# Explicit sums for solutions (evaluating where possible)
u_final := sum(u[n](x, y, t), n = 0 .. 5);  # (3.58) Truncated series for u
v_final := sum(v[n](x, y, t), n = 0 .. 5);  # (3.59) Truncated series for v
w_final := sum(w[n](x, y, t), n = 0 .. 5);  # (3.60) Truncated series for w

# Display final truncated solutions

"maple.ini in users"


diff(u(x, y, t), t)-v(x, y)*w(y, t) = 1


diff(v(x, y, t), t)-w(x, y)*u(x, t) = 5


diff(w(x, y, t), t)-u(x, y)*v(x, t) = 5


u(x, y, 0) = x+2*y


v(x, y, 0) = -2*y


w(x, y, 0) = -x+2*y


laplace(u(x, y, t), t, s)


laplace(v(x, y, t), t, s)


laplace(w(x, y, t), t, s)








laplace(u(x, y, t), t, s)-x-2*y = L[u*v+1]/s


laplace(v(x, y, t), t, s)+2*y = 5*L[u*w+5]/s


laplace(w(x, y, t), t, s)-x+2*y = 5*L[u*v+5]/s














proc (t) options operator, arrow; u_sol end proc


proc (t) options operator, arrow; invlaplace(L[v*w], s, t) end proc


proc (t) options operator, arrow; v_sol end proc


proc (t) options operator, arrow; invlaplace(L[w*u], s, t) end proc


proc (t) options operator, arrow; w_sol end proc


proc (t) options operator, arrow; invlaplace(L[u*v], s, t) end proc






sum(u[k]*v[k], k = 0 .. n)


sum(v[k]*w[k], k = 0 .. n)




sum(u[k]*v[k]*w[k], k = 0 .. n)






sum(u[m]*v[n-m], m = 0 .. n)








u[0](x, y, t)+u[1](x, y, t)+u[2](x, y, t)+u[3](x, y, t)+u[4](x, y, t)+u[5](x, y, t)


v[0](x, y, t)+v[1](x, y, t)+v[2](x, y, t)+v[3](x, y, t)+v[4](x, y, t)+v[5](x, y, t)


w[0](x, y, t)+w[1](x, y, t)+w[2](x, y, t)+w[3](x, y, t)+w[4](x, y, t)+w[5](x, y, t)


u[0](x, y, t)+u[1](x, y, t)+u[2](x, y, t)+u[3](x, y, t)+u[4](x, y, t)+u[5](x, y, t)


v[0](x, y, t)+v[1](x, y, t)+v[2](x, y, t)+v[3](x, y, t)+v[4](x, y, t)+v[5](x, y, t)


w[0](x, y, t)+w[1](x, y, t)+w[2](x, y, t)+w[3](x, y, t)+w[4](x, y, t)+w[5](x, y, t)





Download example2_pdesystmprime_salim3-11-2024.mw




No problem, have a full pdf, I think of it now
Let's see how far I can get with it with example 2 :-)

I can try to translate this in Maple code, but  3.48 ?



# Declare u(x, t) as a function
declare(u(x, t));
declare(v(x, t));
declare(w(x, t));

# Define standard equations
eq1 := diff(u(x, y, t), t) - diff(v(x, y, t), x)*diff(w(x, y, t), x) = 1;
eq2 := diff(v(x, y, t), t) - diff(u(x, y, t), y)*diff(w(x, y, t), x) = 5;
eq3 := diff(w(x, y, t), t) - diff(u(x, y, t), x)*diff(v(x, y, t), y) = 5;

# Laplace transform of the equations
eq1s := laplace(eq1, t, s);
eq2s := laplace(eq2, t, s);
eq3s := laplace(eq3, t, s);

# Solve the transformed equations for the Laplace images of u, v, and w
solution := solve({eq1s, eq2s, eq3s}, {laplace(u(x, y, t), t, s), laplace(v(x, y, t), t, s), laplace(w(x, y, t), t, s)});

# Substitute initial conditions
init_conditions := subs({u(x, y, 0) = x + 2*y, v(x, y, 0) = x - 2*y, w(x, y, 0) = -x + 2*y}, solution);

# Inverse Laplace transform to return to the time domain solution
sol := invlaplace(init_conditions, s, t);

# Define Adomian polynomials manually by expanding terms explicitly
n := N;
k := K;
f := (v, w) -> diff(v, x)*diff(w, x);

# Define u[i](x) series terms for clarity
u10 := u[1, 0](x); u11 := u[1, 1](x); u12 := u[1, 2](x); u13 := u[1, 3](x);
u20 := u[2, 0](x); u21 := u[2, 1](x); u22 := u[2, 2](x); u23 := u[2, 3](x);

# Calculate each Adomian polynomial by expanding the non-linear term
A[0] := diff(u10, x)*diff(u20, x);
A[1] := diff(u11, x)*diff(u20, x) + diff(u10, x)*diff(u21, x);
A[2] := diff(u12, x)*diff(u20, x) + diff(u11, x)*diff(u21, x) + diff(u10, x)*diff(u22, x);
A[3] := diff(u13, x)*diff(u20, x) + diff(u12, x)*diff(u21, x) + diff(u11, x)*diff(u22, x) + diff(u10, x)*diff(u23, x);

# Output the Adomian polynomials for inspection
print("Adomian Polynomials A[j]:", [A[0], A[1], A[2], A[3]]);

# Verification of correctness by symbolic calculation (optional)
# Test evaluation with specific values for u[1,0], u[1,1], etc.
# Substitute example values to further check consistency
test_values := {u[1, 0](x) = x, u[1, 1](x) = x^2, u[1, 2](x) = x^3, u[1, 3](x) = x^4,
                u[2, 0](x) = x, u[2, 1](x) = x^2, u[2, 2](x) = x^3, u[2, 3](x) = x^4};
test_evaluation := [seq(simplify(subs(test_values, A[j])), j = 0 .. 3)];

# Output test evaluation results
print("Evaluation of A[j] with test values:", test_evaluation);


"maple.ini in users"


`There is no more prime differentiation variable; all derivatives will be displayed as indexed functions`


u(x, t)*`will now be displayed as`*u


v(x, t)*`will now be displayed as`*v


w(x, t)*`will now be displayed as`*w


diff(u(x, y, t), t)-(diff(v(x, y, t), x))*(diff(w(x, y, t), x)) = 1


diff(v(x, y, t), t)-(diff(u(x, y, t), y))*(diff(w(x, y, t), x)) = 5


diff(w(x, y, t), t)-(diff(u(x, y, t), x))*(diff(v(x, y, t), y)) = 5


s*laplace(u(x, y, t), t, s)-u(x, y, 0)-laplace((diff(v(x, y, t), x))*(diff(w(x, y, t), x)), t, s) = 1/s


s*laplace(v(x, y, t), t, s)-v(x, y, 0)-laplace((diff(u(x, y, t), y))*(diff(w(x, y, t), x)), t, s) = 5/s


s*laplace(w(x, y, t), t, s)-w(x, y, 0)-laplace((diff(u(x, y, t), x))*(diff(v(x, y, t), y)), t, s) = 5/s


{laplace(u(x, y, t), t, s) = (u(x, y, 0)*s+laplace((diff(v(x, y, t), x))*(diff(w(x, y, t), x)), t, s)*s+1)/s^2, laplace(v(x, y, t), t, s) = (v(x, y, 0)*s+laplace((diff(u(x, y, t), y))*(diff(w(x, y, t), x)), t, s)*s+5)/s^2, laplace(w(x, y, t), t, s) = (laplace((diff(u(x, y, t), x))*(diff(v(x, y, t), y)), t, s)*s+w(x, y, 0)*s+5)/s^2}


{laplace(u(x, y, t), t, s) = ((x+2*y)*s+laplace((diff(v(x, y, t), x))*(diff(w(x, y, t), x)), t, s)*s+1)/s^2, laplace(v(x, y, t), t, s) = ((x-2*y)*s+laplace((diff(u(x, y, t), y))*(diff(w(x, y, t), x)), t, s)*s+5)/s^2, laplace(w(x, y, t), t, s) = (laplace((diff(u(x, y, t), x))*(diff(v(x, y, t), y)), t, s)*s+(-x+2*y)*s+5)/s^2}


{u(x, y, t) = int((diff(v(x, y, _U1), x))*(diff(w(x, y, _U1), x)), _U1 = 0 .. t)+x+2*y+t, v(x, y, t) = int((diff(u(x, y, _U1), y))*(diff(w(x, y, _U1), x)), _U1 = 0 .. t)+x-2*y+5*t, w(x, y, t) = int((diff(u(x, y, _U1), x))*(diff(v(x, y, _U1), y)), _U1 = 0 .. t)-x+2*y+5*t}






proc (v, w) options operator, arrow; (diff(v, x))*(diff(w, x)) end proc


u[1, 0](x)


u[1, 1](x)


u[1, 2](x)


u[1, 3](x)


u[2, 0](x)


u[2, 1](x)


u[2, 2](x)


u[2, 3](x)


(diff(u[1, 0](x), x))*(diff(u[2, 0](x), x))


(diff(u[1, 1](x), x))*(diff(u[2, 0](x), x))+(diff(u[1, 0](x), x))*(diff(u[2, 1](x), x))


(diff(u[1, 2](x), x))*(diff(u[2, 0](x), x))+(diff(u[1, 1](x), x))*(diff(u[2, 1](x), x))+(diff(u[1, 0](x), x))*(diff(u[2, 2](x), x))


(diff(u[1, 3](x), x))*(diff(u[2, 0](x), x))+(diff(u[1, 2](x), x))*(diff(u[2, 1](x), x))+(diff(u[1, 1](x), x))*(diff(u[2, 2](x), x))+(diff(u[1, 0](x), x))*(diff(u[2, 3](x), x))


"Adomian Polynomials A[j]:", [(diff(u[1, 0](x), x))*(diff(u[2, 0](x), x)), (diff(u[1, 1](x), x))*(diff(u[2, 0](x), x))+(diff(u[1, 0](x), x))*(diff(u[2, 1](x), x)), (diff(u[1, 2](x), x))*(diff(u[2, 0](x), x))+(diff(u[1, 1](x), x))*(diff(u[2, 1](x), x))+(diff(u[1, 0](x), x))*(diff(u[2, 2](x), x)), (diff(u[1, 3](x), x))*(diff(u[2, 0](x), x))+(diff(u[1, 2](x), x))*(diff(u[2, 1](x), x))+(diff(u[1, 1](x), x))*(diff(u[2, 2](x), x))+(diff(u[1, 0](x), x))*(diff(u[2, 3](x), x))]


{u[1, 0](x) = x, u[1, 1](x) = x^2, u[1, 2](x) = x^3, u[1, 3](x) = x^4, u[2, 0](x) = x, u[2, 1](x) = x^2, u[2, 2](x) = x^3, u[2, 3](x) = x^4}


[(diff(x, x))^2, 2*(diff(x^2, x))*(diff(x, x)), 2*(diff(x^3, x))*(diff(x, x))+(diff(x^2, x))^2, 2*(diff(x^4, x))*(diff(x, x))+2*(diff(x^3, x))*(diff(x^2, x))]


"Evaluation of A[j] with test values:", [1, 4*x, 10*x^2, 20*x^3]
