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19 years, 346 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by jaytreiman

I need some clarification since the solution below does not require any actual optimization by Maple. I am assuming that you have numerical values, not ranges, for A, B, C, D, E, and F. Your first constraint is a linear constraint, either a*x+b*y0, the answer is 0. If they are parallel and k>0, a simple computation will give you the G such that the lines are identical and that gives you your infimum. (It is a minimum only if you have a*x+c*y<=k. ) From here you can get a point on the line x*E-y*F=G that is in your half-plane. This can also be reformulated as a linear programming problem. Is that what you want?
Another way to do this is to animate the plot. plots[animate](k*x^2 - k*x^4,x=-2..2,k=-8..8,view=[-2..2,-8..8]);
Try defining a function like that below. It does the trick for a disk. Similar functions may work for what you are doing. f := proc(x,y) eqn1 := eval(subs({x1=x,y1=y},(x1-t)^2 + y1^2 <= 1)); solve(eqn1,t); end proc;
Does the following give you an adequate display? maple("printf(MathML:-ExportPresentation(du(0)/dx=b));"); If not, there is some mathml generated by Maple that I edited to give the "usual" form in the attached file. MathML file
Sorry, I did read new threads from the bottom and didn't notice the new threads on the same topic. Would a moderator please combine the threads.
I have had some problems with MapleTA 2.51 not generating MathML occasionally. Is that the version you are using? I am interested in the version since I hope to move to 3.0 by January.
For everything that is said, Maple will not exactly reproduce what you have gotten. It will change orders and forms of some output. It is inelegant, but you can use the "save" and "read" commands to keep the state of your worksheet for when you return. This is done by naming all output, even that which is not displayed. One then writes all of the variables to a file using the "save" command. At the top of your worksheet, after any "restart" and "with" commands but before any other executable commands, one adds an appropriate "read" command to load all of the variables. I suggest putting the "restart," "with," and "read" commands inside an autoexecute group. It would be nice if Maple had a command to save the state of all variables and output, named and unnamed, before exiting so that you could easily restart where you stopped.
Attached is a worksheet with the commands. Here is the worksheet. If I am reading your commands correctly, you should see (approximately):

> y = x^2;

Maple Equation

> solve((1),y);

Maple Equation

> g := unapply((1),x);

Maple Equation

> g(2);

Maple Equation


The item labeled (1) is an equation. The equation does not assign a value to either x or y. When you unapply x to this equation you get a function whose output is an equation. As you can see, g(2) gives y = 4, an equation. I hope this helps explain the behavior you are seeing. View 108_unapply_example.mw on MapleNet or Download 108_unapply_example.mw
View file details
If this is a system of differential equations, try matrixDE from the DEtools package.
The code I would use to get the MathML is $a = range(-5,5); $b = range(-5,5); $c = range(-5,5); $eq = maple("printf(MathML[ExportPresentation](($a)*x+($b)*y+($c)*z = 0)); "); Then in the question itself I simple put $eq This gives me the desired equation with no problems.
The problem is with an assumption about the kernel. If you copy the installation file to a directory on your hard drive. Make a copy of the file, say LinuxInstaller.bin.bak. The use the following command to commment out the offending line. cat LinuxInstaller.bin.pak | sed "s/export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL/#xport LD_ASSUME_KERNEL/" > LinuxInstaller.bin You can then use the installer. This is the same method as I used to install Maple 10 on SUSE 10.1 and for Ubuntu 6.10. This technique can be found on the Ubuntu community forum and varius other places.
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