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20 years, 73 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by jaytreiman

I put together two plots, one patchs with matching colored wireframes and the other with just the colored wireframes.  Which is better?


I did not expect it to work.  I was using it as an example that Maple has limitations. 

Perhaps the following examples of different directions will show why some of the answers are strange in an unexpected manner.



Unfortunately, the types of the output from matrixDE have not been changed to match the help documentation.  The help files states "The command returns a pair [S(t), P(t)] with S(t), which is an n by n  Matrix, and P(t), which is an n by 1 Vector."


The encapsulated postscript option gives a ps file with a wrapper.  Basically, it is the same thing.  An eps file can conatin either vector graphics or bit mapped graphics.  My eps files from Maple show all the signs of being bit maps.

The png format is a lossless format.  This means the quaity option does not help.  I expect the options boxed, noborder,  and portrait will also not do anything.

The axes, titles and legends are usually done in the plot statement.

The encapsulated postscript option gives a ps file with a wrapper.  Basically, it is the same thing.  An eps file can conatin either vector graphics or bit mapped graphics.  My eps files from Maple show all the signs of being bit maps.

The png format is a lossless format.  This means the quaity option does not help.  I expect the options boxed, noborder,  and portrait will also not do anything.

The axes, titles and legends are usually done in the plot statement.

@J4James   The basic problem here is that int((t-s)*sin(t-s)/(s*sqrt(s)),s=0..t) is infinite for any t>0.  The way that N is written it is indeterminant, but Maple simplfies it to a form that is infinity.  Maple then fails to plot it because the values are not real.

@J4James   The basic problem here is that int((t-s)*sin(t-s)/(s*sqrt(s)),s=0..t) is infinite for any t>0.  The way that N is written it is indeterminant, but Maple simplfies it to a form that is infinity.  Maple then fails to plot it because the values are not real.

@acer   Attached is a worksheet which will gives the times and the plots for your methods and a couple others using a discontinuous integrand.  Any comments?   IntPlot3.mw

@acer   Attached is a worksheet which will gives the times and the plots for your methods and a couple others using a discontinuous integrand.  Any comments?   IntPlot3.mw

@szf  Virtualbox is fairly easy to install if your processor is set up for virtual machines, Intel I series or AMD.  The directions and downloads are at virtualbox.org .  Be sure to install the Extension pack and make certain that you give the virtual machine enough memory for your work.

Good luck.

@szf  Virtualbox is fairly easy to install if your processor is set up for virtual machines, Intel I series or AMD.  The directions and downloads are at virtualbox.org .  Be sure to install the Extension pack and make certain that you give the virtual machine enough memory for your work.

Good luck.


1)  Why does this example do any numerical integration?  You are still using a function that has an antiderivative that is known to Maple.  Since Maple usually tries to evaluate the function to be plotted before any plotting is done, I do not see the difference.

2)  Your method works without the Int.  You can use int instead.


1)  Why does this example do any numerical integration?  You are still using a function that has an antiderivative that is known to Maple.  Since Maple usually tries to evaluate the function to be plotted before any plotting is done, I do not see the difference.

2)  Your method works without the Int.  You can use int instead.

@Carl Love   Unfortunately Maple does some of the same things when reloading a worksheet.  It is not only MaplePrimes.

@Carl Love   Unfortunately Maple does some of the same things when reloading a worksheet.  It is not only MaplePrimes.

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