
80 Reputation

6 Badges

9 years, 334 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by lt

I forgot the := for the declarations h and g. This solves the numerical result problem.

@Carl Love

I coded the way you suggest with the Y:=[1,2] and Z:=[3,4] and zip(G,Y,Z). But the result is that there are more than one solution - one for each Y-Z pair, as expected - but in each solution there are matrices like [value, value] which are quite strange and not wanted. How do I have to understand this?


The end results in equations 6 and 8 are not fully numerical. Where is my bug? Thanks



acceleration velocity;

Error, missing operator or `;`


dU := 0.1e-2;





v := proc (U, freq) options operator, arrow; U*freq end proc;

proc (U, freq) options operator, arrow; U*freq end proc


sv := eval(((eval(diff(v(U, freq), U), [U = .874, freq = 57.5]))^2*dU^2+(eval(diff(v(U, freq), freq), [U = .874, freq = 57.5]))^2*dfreq^2)^.5);



free fall time;

Error, missing operator or `;`


U := .874;





h = 1.07


g = 9.809










t := proc (h, U, freq, g) options operator, arrow; (-U*freq+(U^2*freq^2+2*g*h)^.5)/g end proc;

proc (h, U, freq, g) options operator, arrow; (-U*freq+(U^2*freq^2+2*g*h)^.5)/g end proc


st := eval(((D[1](t))(h, U, freq, g)^2*dh^2+(D[2](t))(h, U, freq, g)^2*dU^2+(D[3](t))(h, U, freq, g)^2*dfreq^2+(D[4](t))(h, U, freq, g)^2*dg^2)^.5);



impact velocity (vimp=vAccel+g*t);

Error, missing operator or `;`


vimpakt := proc (h, U, freq, g) options operator, arrow; U*freq+g*(-U*freq+(U^2*freq^2+2*g*h)^.5)/g end proc;

proc (h, U, freq, g) options operator, arrow; U*freq+g*(-U*freq+(U^2*freq^2+2*g*h)^.5)/g end proc


svimpakt := ((D[1](vimpakt))(h, U, freq, g)^2*dh^2+(D[2](vimpakt))(h, U, freq, g)^2*dU^2+(D[3](vimpakt))(h, U, freq, g)^2*dfreq^2+(D[4](vimpakt))(h, U, freq, g)^2*dg^2)^.5;





@Carl Love 

Am I correct that your solution offers two possibilities:

  1. that if I define only Y:=[1] and Z:=[3] that the equation G is only using these two. And if I want to have a result for others I just replace (e.g.) 1 by 2 and 3 by 4 like in your answer? This way I get individual results for each Y-Z pair.
  2. But if I define several Ys and Zs then 1 and 3 is calculated giving the first result, 2 and 4 giving the second result etc. So defining several values for a variable right from the beginning gives all the corresponding results at the end together?


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