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8 years, 249 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by mmcdara

First one

0.6 instead of 0, 6

Second one

-1 instead of --1

Once corrected:

eq := u = 0.6*sqrt(t)-1+exp(-t)

u = .6*t^(1/2)-1+exp(-t)


# solve eq wrt u (obvious result)

solve(eq, u)



# solve eq wrt t

solve(eq, t);



# To go further you have to give u some value, for instance 1:

[solve(eval(eq, u=1), t)]; # t is useless as eval(eq, u=1) only depends on t
number_of_solutions := numelems(%);

[11.11094502, -.6795452073-.2578617583*I, -.6795452073+.2578617583*I, -.6675848351-20.36043710*I, -.6675848351+20.36043710*I, -.5133022487-13.86497050*I, -.5133022487+13.86497050*I, -.3856082244-7.202703595*I, -.3856082244+7.202703595*I]




fsolve(eval(eq, u=1))



fsolve(eval(eq, u=1), complex)



# Note that
# fsolve(eval(eq, u=1), {t}, complex, maxsols=number_of_solutions)
# returns only the previous solution in Maple 2015


@Christian Wolinski 

if T is the table tou saved using save T, f: where f is some file, the simplest way to change some entry e in T is to do

read f:
anames(user); # to get the name of the table m file f contains (if you don't remember it)
T[e] := something;
save T, f:  # which overwrites the initial file f


Here is an extremely simple Maplet application (this could probably be done using embedded components but I have more practice in Maplets). which enables selecting intereactively different functions and plotting them on the same figure, possibly after having defined some common transformation for each function).

I believe it could be quite close to what you have in mind... for what it's worth



N random degree 2 polynomials with {x, y} indeterminates and complex coefficients

a := 1:
r := () -> rand(-a..a)() +I*rand(-a..a)():



P := () -> randpoly([x, y], coeffs=proc() r() end proc, degree=2)

proc () options operator, arrow; randpoly([x, y], coeffs = proc () r() end proc, degree = 2) end proc


N := 5:
F := [seq(P(), n=1..5)]

[1-x+I*y-I*x^2+(1-I)*x*y-y^2, 1+I*x+(1-I)*y-I*x^2-x*y+I*y^2, 1-I*x+(-1+I)*y-x^2-x*y+(1+I)*y^2, 1+(-1+I)*x+(1+I)*y+(-1+I)*x^2+x*y+(1-I)*y^2, (-1+I)+(-1-I)*x+I*x^2+I*x*y-I*y^2]


A Maplet to select which function(s) to plot and the transformation to use

Select a single function to plot by clickingon it, or select several functions by using CTRL+click or CAPS+click (CTRL+A to select all)

A very simple example

disp := proc(pols)
  local res:
  local ToPlot := proc(f, p)
                    local np  := _npassed:
                    local r   := rand(0. .. 1.):
                    local c   := () -> ColorTools:-Color([r(), r(), r()]):
                    local col := [seq(c(), n=1.._npassed-1)]:
                    local p1, p2:

                    uses plots, plottools:

                    p1 := display(
                                  f(_passed[n]), x = 0..1, y=0..1,
                                  style=surface, color=col[n-1]

                    p2 := display(
                              seq(rectangle([0, 20*n], [100, 10+20*n], color=col[n-1]),,
                              seq(textplot ([50, 15+20*n, _passed[n]]),
                            , axes=none
                            , scaling=constrained
                    Maplets:-Tools:-Set(('PL1')('value')= p1):
                    Maplets:-Tools:-Set(('PL2')('value')= p2):
                  end proc:

  local maplet2d := Maplet(
              "Select what function to plot    " , ListBox['DDB1'](pols)
              "Select the transformation to use" , DropDownBox['DDB2']([Re, Im, abs])
              Plotter['PL1']( plot3d() ),
              Plotter['PL2']( plot() )
              Button("END", Shutdown(['DDB2','DDB1']))
end proc:





Question 1:
I'm not sure there is a limitation of the number of plots you can display in a single plot3d command. For instance

N := 100:  # try 1000 if you want
F := [seq(i, i=1..N)]:
r := rand(0. .. 1.):
c := () -> ColorTools:-Color([r(), r(), r()]):
plot3d(F, x=0..1, y=0..1, color=[seq(c(), n=1..N)])

I would say the limitation is more related to human capabilities than to software's. Are you capable to visually separate let's say, 10 surfaces drawn together, or to undersand what they represent ?
Personally I begin having problems with 3 surfaces.

Question 2:
I suggest you to run one of these commands and see what kind of graphics Maple can do


# or 

There is an obvious difference at line 5: in Num:=100 whilie Bum:=200 in

Other differences:
Open, from the menubar: File > Export As > Maple Text (produces a file bamed aa1.txt).
Do the same for

Use some online file or text comparator if you don't have one, for instance Compare (in this case open the txt file and drag-and-drop the texts in the appropriate regions)
The differences are blue highlighted (aa1 is on the left)

So, contrary to what you write, these two programs are NOT identical

Maybe "identical programs" mean for you "the two programs, while different, should give the same result" ? 
But this is another question. 

So check he parts of the codes where differences occur and make yourself sure that those parts give the same results.
For instance are you sure these definitions of T11 have similar effects, see

Here is a revised version of your aa2 code where I switch from aa1 code to aa2 code for T11, ..., T16 
This is why you get different results :
It is obvious that T11 (at least) has different expressions in the two codes (look after the plot):

# "T11 from aa1" = "T11 from aa2" iif k0 = -I, which is never the case:

k0 := (.5*Pi+(2*(N-1))*Pi/(Num-1))/(l1+2*l2+2*l3+2*l4)

            0.29089 + 0.00186 (N - 1) Pi

So, contrary to what you write, these two processes are NOT similar


Solve {E2, E3, E4} wrt {b, c, d} (for instance).

Plug the solution into the equality E1 - f(Ea) = 0.

Build an objective function J(T)(A) depending on the remaining parameter a (noted A), equal to the integral of  (E1 - f(Ea))2  over t from 0 to some value T (or over any other range).

Minimize J(T)(A) wrt to A for any given value of T (J(T)(A) represents the L2 norm of E1 - f(Ea) for the value a=A).

Here is an example


Ea := 0.762014687e-2*t+a*t^2+b*t^3+c*t^4+d*t^5; 1; E1 := diff(Ea, t); 1; E2 := subs(t = 435, Ea); 1; E3 := subs(t = 528, Ea); 1; E4 := subs(t = 33168, Ea)











# Solve {E2, E3, E4} wrt {b, c, d}

Sol_234_bcd := solve({E2 = 3.259, E3 = 3.95, E4 = 3.259}, {b, c, d})

{b = -0.1526025156e-8-0.4222939510e-2*a, c = 0.1976033772e-11+0.4480294360e-5*a, d = -0.5819557876e-16-0.1312675972e-9*a}


# Remaining relation

res := eval(E1 = (5.012764943*10^(-24))*Ea/(exp(Ea/(4.100527530*10^(-21)))-1), Sol_234_bcd)

0.762014687e-2+2*a*t+3*(-0.1526025156e-8-0.4222939510e-2*a)*t^2+4*(0.1976033772e-11+0.4480294360e-5*a)*t^3+5*(-0.5819557876e-16-0.1312675972e-9*a)*t^4 = 0.5012764943e-23*(0.762014687e-2*t+a*t^2+(-0.1526025156e-8-0.4222939510e-2*a)*t^3+(0.1976033772e-11+0.4480294360e-5*a)*t^4+(-0.5819557876e-16-0.1312675972e-9*a)*t^5)/(exp(0.1858333303e19*t+0.2438710611e21*a*t^2+0.2438710611e21*(-0.1526025156e-8-0.4222939510e-2*a)*t^3+0.2438710611e21*(0.1976033772e-11+0.4480294360e-5*a)*t^4+0.2438710611e21*(-0.5819557876e-16-0.1312675972e-9*a)*t^5)-1)


# J(T)(A) is the L2 norm of (lhs-rhs)(res) for a = A

J := T -> A -> evalf(Int(eval((lhs-rhs)(res)^2, a=A), t=0..T, method=_d01ajc)):

# Three examples

Optimization:-NLPSolve('J(1)(A)', A=-10..10)

[HFloat(1.44705982152012e-5), [A = HFloat(-0.0057453901961797005)]]


Optimization:-NLPSolve('J(10)(A)', A=-10..10)

[HFloat(1.40484323209069e-4), [A = HFloat(-6.028295733191413e-4)]]


Optimization:-NLPSolve('J(0.01)(A)', A=-10..10)

[HFloat(1.45161997993698e-7), [A = HFloat(-0.571541174026821)]]


# J(T)(A) as a function of A for a given value of T

plot('J(0.01)(A)', A=-10..10):

# Explore  J(T)(A=-5..5) as T changes

PJ := proc(tau)
  plot('J(10^tau)(A)', A=-5..5, axis[2]=[mode=log])
end proc:

Explore(PJ(tau), parameters=[tau=-3.0 .. 1.0]):

# Integration over an arbitrary t-range (not necessary 0..T)

J2 := trange -> A -> evalf(Int(eval((lhs-rhs)(res)^2, a=A), t=trange, method=_d01ajc)):

Optimization:-NLPSolve('J2(1..3)(A)', A=-10..10)

[HFloat(8.74119900428081e-6), [A = HFloat(-0.0017860755658569705)]]







J := proc (k2, k1) options operator, arrow; b*y-(1-delta*k2-k1)*y*Cv-w*delta*k2*y-Cepr*k2*y-Clm*k1^2-Am*k1*d-Rm*k1*d+R0m*k1^2*d^2-s1*(k0-k1-k2)*y-s2*y*(delta0-delta*k2-k1)-g1*(delta*k2+k1)^2*y^2-4900000*Cex end proc;

proc (k2, k1) options operator, arrow; b*y-(1-delta*k2-k1)*y*Cv-w*delta*k2*y-Cepr*k2*y-Clm*k1^2-Am*k1*d-Rm*k1*d+R0m*k1^2*d^2-s1*(k0-k1-k2)*y-s2*y*(delta0-delta*k2-k1)-g1*(delta*k2+k1)^2*y^2-4900000*Cex end proc


# No equality constraints
# Inequality constraints must be of the form f[i](k1, k2) <= 0
# Thus
# (1) 0 <= k1 and k1 <= 1 implies k1-1 <= 0 and -k1 <= 0
#     so
      f[1] := (k1, k2) -> k1-1;
      f[2] := (k1, k2) -> -k1;
# (2) 0 <= k2 and k2 <= 1 implies k2-1 <= 0 and -k2 <= 0
#     so
      f[3] := (k1, k2) -> k2-1;
      f[4] := (k1, k2) -> -k2;
# (3) k1+k2 <= 1/2 implies k1+k2-1/2 <= 0
#     so
      f[5] := (k1, k2) -> k1+k2-1/2;
# (4) k2 >= k1 implies k1-k2 <= 0
#     so
      f[6] := (k1, k2) -> k1-k2;

proc (k1, k2) options operator, arrow; k1-1 end proc


proc (k1, k2) options operator, arrow; -k1 end proc


proc (k1, k2) options operator, arrow; k2-1 end proc


proc (k1, k2) options operator, arrow; -k2 end proc


proc (k1, k2) options operator, arrow; k1+k2-1/2 end proc


proc (k1, k2) options operator, arrow; k1-k2 end proc


plots:-inequal({seq(f[i](k1, k2) <= 0, i=1..6)}, k1=0..1, k2=0..1);


# Lagrangian (we want to maximize J so to minimize -J

L := -J(k2, k1) + add(f[i](k1, k2)*mu[i], i=1..6)



dLdk1 := collect(diff(L, k1), [k1, k2]);



dLdk2 := collect(diff(L, k2), [k1, k2]);



KKT_conditions := [
                    seq(mu[i] >= 0, i=1..6),             # Dual feasibility conditions
                    dLdk1 = 0,                           # Stationarity condition
                    dLdk2 = 0,                           # Stationarity condition
                    seq(``(f[i](k1, k2)) <= 0, i=1..6),  # Primal feasibility conditions
                    add(mu[i]*f[i](k1, k2) = 0, i=1..6)  # Complementary slackness


0 <= mu[1]


0 <= mu[2]


0 <= mu[3]


0 <= mu[4]


0 <= mu[5]


0 <= mu[6]


(-2*R0m*d^2+2*g1*y^2+2*Clm)*k1+2*g1*delta*k2*y^2+Am*d-y*Cv+Rm*d-s1*y-s2*y+mu[1]-mu[2]+mu[5]+mu[6] = 0


2*delta^2*g1*k2*y^2+2*delta*g1*k1*y^2-Cv*delta*y-delta*s2*y+delta*w*y+Cepr*y-s1*y+mu[3]-mu[4]+mu[5]-mu[6] = 0


``(k1-1) <= 0


``(-k1) <= 0


``(k2-1) <= 0


``(-k2) <= 0


``(k1+k2-1/2) <= 0


``(k1-k2) <= 0


(k1-1)*mu[1]-k1*mu[2]+(k2-1)*mu[3]-k2*mu[4]+(k1+k2-1/2)*mu[5]+(k1-k2)*mu[6] = 0


# I used the neutral ``(..) notation to kepp the standard horm of KKT relations.
# To get rid of this neutral operator use 'expand':




@Aixleft math 



L := parse~([$"a".."k"])

[a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k]


L3 := L^~3

[a^3, b^3, c^3, d^3, e^3, f^3, g^3, h^3, i^3, j^3, k^3]


P := Reverse(PartialSums(L3)):























Swap := proc(L::list, p::posint, q::posint)
  local N := numelems(P);
  if p > numelems(L) or q > numelems(L) then
    error cat("p (", p, ") and q (", q, ") must be <= than the length (", N, ") of the list")
    subsop(p=L[q], q=L[p], L):
  end if:
end proc:

print~(Swap(P, 1, nops(P))):

























lhsc := [coeffs(expand(lhs((7))), eta, 'lhst')];
rhsc := [coeffs(expand(rhs((7))), eta, 'rhst')];

lhst;  # the terms the elements of lhsc correspond to

# or:

lhsc := 'lhsc': rhsc := 'rhsc': 
here := [lhsc, rhsc]: 
zip((h, t) -> h = [coeffs(expand(t), eta)], here, [op((7))])



N := 3:
S := [T, P]:
mul(mul(cat~(S, `__`, ||i)), i=1..N);

# or
# mul(mul(cat~(S, `_`, ||i)), i=1..N)


If you really want the symbol "*" to appear:



N := 3:
S := [T, P]:

`%*`(seq(`%*`(cat~(S, `_`, ||i)[]), i=1..N))

`%*`(`%*`(`T_ 1`, `P_ 1`), `%*`(`T_ 2`, `P_ 2`), `%*`(`T_ 3`, `P_ 3`))





Two stories:

  1. In French universities, Maple homeworks usually go something like this: the teacher gives the students a problem, and they have two options: either stay at the university after class and use Maple on the university's workstations, or go home and write the code in  text format (or in Maple if they've bought a student license). They then deliver their work in mw or txt format.
    After what "someone" corrects the job and tell them the possible error they produced.
    And if the student gets errors he has to correct them before delivering another code.
    A friend of mine who teaches Statistics at Bordeaux University told me that quite often students go on specific forums to ask for users to help them fix their code instead of trying to do that b themselves.
  2. It happens this "someone" it is a thesis student which does the correcting job to earn a few money. This same friend of mine told me about the case of one of his student who asked on a forum to fix issues on R homework codes that it was intended to correct himself but was too lazzy to do so.

Are you one ofthese two kinds of guys : the student waiting for a "une bonne poire" (I allow myself this french term you surely understand... for others I found "sucker" or "soft touch" using slang translators) to correct his paper, or the lazzy teacher assistant ?
I'm pretty sure the fact you stubbornly refuse for years to upload any Maple worksheet has something to do with that.

Finally, concerning your question, is this what you want?


If it is so, here are some hints for correction

  • First of all start by cleaning up your code (twice the same in a row).
  • Make a choice: either you want to use the geometry package, either you don't.
  • You wrie a procedure named distance but distance is also a function of the geometry do if you chosed to use geometry do not write a procedure named distance.
  • You are mixing notations several times: for instance circle(I1, r1) is the  plottools definition of a circle, not a geometry definition.
  • geometry has functions incircle to find the incircle of a given triangle and excircle to find the find three excircles of a given triangle: why don't simply use them (all the more that your procedure plot_exscribed_circles builds wrong excircles).
  • For ratio (R) = 1 your "Apollonius hyperbola" is a straight line whatever A and B:
    f := (x, y) -> sqrt((x - A[1])^2 + (y - A[2])^2)/sqrt((x - B[1])^2 + (y - B[2])^2) - 1:
    collect~(isolate(f(x, y)=0, y), x)
                                        2       2       2       2
             (2 A[1] - 2 B[1]) x   -A[1]  - A[2]  + B[1]  + B[2] 
       y = - ------------------- - ------------------------------
               2 (A[2] - B[2])            2 (A[2] - B[2])        

    For any other positive value of R it is a circle:

    f0 := sqrt((x - A[1])^2 + (y - A[2])^2)/sqrt((x - B[1])^2 + (y - B[2])^2) = R;
                           / 2    2\               
                           \x  + y /               
                     -------------------------- = R
                     /       2          2\         
                     \(x - 4)  + (y - 2) /         
    f0 *~ denom(lhs(f0)): 
    tx := add(select(has, [op(expand( %))], x)):
    ty := add(select(has, [op(expand(%%))], y)): 
    sx := Student:-Precalculus:-CompleteSquare(tx, x):
    sy := Student:-Precalculus:-CompleteSquare(ty, y): 
    add(map(s -> s/(-R^2+1), [op(sx+sy)])): 
    f1 := map(add, (select=-remove)(has, [op(%)], {x, y}))
                           2                2             
              /        2  \    /        2  \          4   
              |     4 R   |    |     2 R   |      20 R    
              |x + -------|  + |y + -------|  = ----------
              |      2    |    |      2    |             2
              \    -R  + 1/    \    -R  + 1/    /  2    \ 
                                                \-R  + 1/ 

Example of what you could/should do:
(and I consider I'm already "une bonne poire" doing this) here is way (not the simplest one!) to draw the incircle of triangle ABC

plot_inscribed_circle := proc(__A, __B, __C)
  local A, B, C, T, Ii:
  point(A, op(__A)):
  point(B, op(__B)):
  point(C, op(__C)):
  triangle(T, [A, B, C]);
  incircle(Ii, T,'centername'=o);
  draw(Ii, style = line, color = green, thickness = 2)
end proc:

plot_inscribed_circle(A, B, C)

Now it's up to you to do some effort... or not.

Stop sending us a mess of c... like you just did and telling us "hey guys, deal with this".
Have a little respect for people whose passion is helping others.

If any moderator thinks I've crossed a red line by writing this reply, may it feel free to delete it. 

Do not write 

# Equation of the line passing through A and B
    lineAB := sort(Equation(line(k, [A, B], [x, y])));


# Equation of the line passing through A and B
    line(k, [A, B], [x, y]):
    lineAB := Equation(k);

instead (do not embed the definition of the line within Equation)

Tou will stiill get an error for item=[1, 6, 12] because points A and B are confounded (so line k is not defined).

                           [1, 6, 12]
           GeometryDetail(["name of the object", A], 

             ["form of the object", point2d], 

             ["coordinates of the point", [-2, -8]])

           GeometryDetail(["name of the object", B], 

             ["form of the object", point2d], 

             ["coordinates of the point", [-2, -8]])

It is up to you to fix this problem

Here is an idea to avoid the error when line k is undefined 





# List of functions

mylist := [[-1, 9, -15], [1, -6, -15], [1, -6, 9], [1, 6, 12], [-2, 3, 12],

           [2, -9, 12], [-1, -6, -9], [-1, -9, -15], [1, 6, -15], [-2, 9, -12],

           [1, 3, 3], [-1, 6, -9], [3, -4, 2], [-5, 5, -2], [-3, -5, -4],

           [-2, 1, -3], [-5, -4, -2], [5, 5, 4], [-1, -2, -2], [-3, 1, -5]]:


# Function to generate LaTeX output

toX := s -> latex(s, output = string):


s := "":


for item in mylist do

    a := item[1];

    b := item[2];

    c := item[3];


    # The function and its derivative

    f := x -> a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x;

    sol := solve(diff(f(x), x) = 0, x);

    x1 := sol[1];

    x2 := sol[2];


    # Defining points and calculating distance

    point(o, 0, 0);

    point(A, x1, f(x1));

    point(B, x2, f(x2));


      AB := simplify(distance(A, B));


      # Equation of the line passing through A and B
      line(k, [A, B], [x, y]):

      lineAB := Equation(k);

      # Distance from origin to the line and circle equation

      myr := distance(o, k);

      circle_eq := x^2 + y^2 = myr^2;


      # Generating LaTeX output

      s := cat(s, "\\begin{ex}\n",

               "  Given the function $y = ", toX(f(x)), "$.\n",

               "  \\begin{enumerate}[label=\\alph*)]\n",

               "    \\item The derivative of the function is $y'=", toX(diff(f(x), x)), "$.\n",

               "    \\item The maximum point of the function's graph is \n",

               "    \\item The equation of the line passing through the two extremum points of the graph is $", toX(lineAB), "$.\n",

               "    \\item The distance between the two extremum points $A$ and $B$ is $", toX(AB), "$.\n",

               "    \\item The equation of the circle with center at the origin and tangent to the line passing through the two extremum           points is $", toX(circle_eq), "$.\n",

               "  \\end{enumerate}\n",

      printf("\nline is undefined for item=%a   distance(A, B) = %a\n", item, AB):
    end try;

end do:


# Output the result

line is undefined for item=[1, 6, 12]   distance(A, B) = 0


"[["name of the object",A],["form of the object",point2d],["coordinates of the point",[-2,-8]]]"




"[["name of the object",B],["form of the object",point2d],["coordinates of the point",[-2,-8]]]"


line is undefined for item=[1, 3, 3]   distance(A, B) = 0


"[["name of the object",A],["form of the object",point2d],["coordinates of the point",[-1,-1]]]"




GeometryDetail(["name of the object", B], ["form of the object", point2d], ["coordinates of the point", [-1, -1]])


printf("%s", s);



Nevertheless this is a step-by-step Maple code which mimics what you would do by hand (note the result is exact and no complex expression ever occur... which is a necessary condition for the result to be found by hand). My first version:

The version above uses solve, this new one is even simpler as it doesn't:


AB := 6:
BD := 4:

# Within triangle BCD

sin(theta)/BD = sin(3*theta)/DC ;
isolate(%, DC);

(1/4)*sin(theta) = sin(3*theta)/DC


DC = 4*sin(3*theta)/sin(theta)


DC = 16*cos(theta)^2-4


# Within triangle ABC

sin(2*theta)/BC = sin(theta)/AB;
isolate(%, BC);

sin(2*theta)/BC = (1/6)*sin(theta)


BC = 6*sin(2*theta)/sin(theta)


BC = 12*cos(theta)


Angle(BDA) = Pi-4*theta;

Angle(BDA) = Pi-4*theta


sin(Angle(BDA))/BC = sin(theta)/4:
eval(%, (3)):
isolate(%, BC);

BC = 4*sin(4*theta)/sin(theta)


simplify(eval((4) , (2)));
factor((rhs-lhs)(%)) = 0;
op(-1, lhs(%)) = 0;

eval(%, isolate((1), cos(theta)^2));

isolate(%, DC);

12*cos(theta) = 16*cos(theta)*(2*cos(theta)^2-1)


4*cos(theta)*(8*cos(theta)^2-7) = 0


8*cos(theta)^2-7 = 0


(1/2)*DC-5 = 0


DC = 10




A first code:  P is made of 15 lists, S is the sum of the elements of each list:

L := [a, b, c, d]:
P := combinat:-choose(L):
P := subsop(1=NULL, P):
S := map(add, P):

                             a + b
                             a + c
                             b + c
                           a + b + c
                             a + d
                             b + d
                           a + b + d
                             c + d
                           a + c + d
                           b + c + d
                         a + b + c + d

Permuting all the lists in P gives a new collection PP of lists. But adding the elements of permuted lists always give the same result.
For instance add([a, b]) = a+b  and  add([b, a]) = a+b.
If you want the addition of the elements in [b, a] gives b+a you must cheat, for instance:

PP := map(op@combinat:-permute, P):

f := proc(p):
  if numelems(p) = 1 then
    cat(`#mo("`, p[1], `")`)
    cat(`#mrow(`, seq( cat(`mo("`, op(i, p), `"),mo("&#x2b;"),`), i=1..numelems(p)-1 ), `mo("`, op(-1, p), `"))`)
  end if:
end proc:

# example (partial result)

                   [[a], [b], [a, b], [b, a]]

All results here


There are 3 types of conics depending on the sign of the determant of matrix Q:

Q := < <A | B>, <B | C>>

# for a quadratic form written  A*x^2 + 2*B*x*y + C*y^2 + ...

In each type there exist several "degenerated" situations (for instance a parabola can reduce to two parallel straight lines, or an ellipse to  a single point).
Generally the classic rotation+translation transformation applies if ysed with precaution..

These special cases (cf Bibmath et Wiki for more details about special cases) make delicate the writting of a code aimed to build the reduced form in all situations.

For your conic:

This code determines the type and the signature of your quadratic form:

  • Determinant       ==> type = parabola,
  • Signature=(2, 1)  ==> sub type = parabola non degenerated parabola)



Reduced form and siplays for your conic



f := (x, y) -> 9*x^2 - 24*y*x + 16*y^2 + 10*x - 70*y + 175;

proc (x, y) options operator, arrow; 9*x^2-24*y*x+16*y^2+10*x-70*y+175 end proc


xy := Vector(2, [x, y]):
XY := Vector(2, [X, Y]):
r  := theta -> Matrix(2$2, [cos(theta), -sin(theta), sin(theta), cos(theta)]):

rot := [entries(xy =~ r(theta) . XY, nolist)]

[x = cos(theta)*X-sin(theta)*Y, y = sin(theta)*X+cos(theta)*Y]


g := unapply(expand(f(op(rhs~(rot)))), (X, Y))

proc (X, Y) options operator, arrow; 9*cos(theta)^2*X^2+14*cos(theta)*X*sin(theta)*Y+9*sin(theta)^2*Y^2-24*sin(theta)*X^2*cos(theta)+24*sin(theta)^2*X*Y-24*cos(theta)^2*Y*X+24*cos(theta)*Y^2*sin(theta)+16*sin(theta)^2*X^2+16*cos(theta)^2*Y^2+10*cos(theta)*X-10*sin(theta)*Y-70*sin(theta)*X-70*cos(theta)*Y+175 end proc


c := coeffs(g(X, Y), [X, Y], 'mon'):
z := c[ListTools:-Search(X*Y, [mon])]



solve(z, theta);
Theta := %[1];

-arctan(4/3)+Pi, arctan(3/4), -arctan(4/3), arctan(3/4)-Pi




R := r(Theta);

ROT := [entries(xy =~ r(Theta) . XY, nolist)]

R := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = -3/5, (1, 2) = -4/5, (2, 1) = 4/5, (2, 2) = -3/5})


[x = -(3/5)*X-(4/5)*Y, y = (4/5)*X-(3/5)*Y]


G0 := eval(g(X, Y), theta=Theta)



if has(G0, X^2) then
  G1       := Student:-Precalculus:-CompleteSquare(G0, X);
  delta__X := op([2, 1, 2], op(1, G1));
  st       := solve(identity(s*(Y+t)=G1-op(1, G1), Y), [s, t])[];
  delta__Y := eval(t, st);
  `Reduced Form` := eval(G1, {X=U-delta__X, Y=V-delta__Y});

elif has(G0, Y^2) then
  G1       := Student:-Precalculus:-CompleteSquare(G0, Y);
  delta__Y := op([2, 1, 2], op(1, G1));
  st       := solve(identity(s*(X+t)=G1-op(1, G1), X), [s, t])[];
  delta__X := eval(t, st);
  `Reduced Form` := eval(G1, {X=U-delta__X, Y=V-delta__Y});
end if;





[s = 34, t = 1707/425]






pf  := implicitplot(
         f(x, y)
         , x=-12..12, y=-12..12
         , grid=[60$2]
         , color=blue
         , legend=typeset(f)

pUV := implicitplot(
         `Reduced Form`
         , U=-10..10, V=-10..10
         , grid=[60$2]
         , color=red
         , style=point, symbol=circle
         , legend=typeset(`Reduced Form`=0)

A1 := display(PT:-arrow([0, 0], [0, -10], .2, .4, .1, color=green)):
A2 := display(PT:-arrow([0, 0], [10, 0], .2, .4, .1, color=green)):

pU := textplot([0, -10, U], font=[Helvetica, 10], align=right):
pV := textplot([10,  0, V], font=[Helvetica, 10], align=above):

  , PT:-rotate(PT:-translate(pUV, -delta__X, -delta__Y), Theta)

  , PT:-rotate(PT:-translate(A1,  -delta__X, -delta__Y), Theta)
  , PT:-rotate(PT:-translate(A2,  -delta__X, -delta__Y), Theta)

  , PT:-rotate(PT:-translate(pU,  -delta__X, -delta__Y), Theta)
  , PT:-rotate(PT:-translate(pV,  -delta__X, -delta__Y), Theta)

  , view=[-5..12, 0..12]
  , scaling=constrained





Ice on the cake

This code returns the type and subtype of a quadratic form (Note: I'm not sure about these designations; maybe one should use "class" instead and dropt types and subtypes ?)


ConicType := proc(f)
  local ind, IND, F, r, M, lambda,Determinant, Signature, T, TT:

  ind := [indets(f, name)[]];
  if numelems(ind)=2 then
    F := eval(f, ind=~[X, Y]);
    F := eval(f, ind=~[X]);
  end if;

  IND := [X, Y, X2, XY, Y2];
  F   := subs(X^2=X2, X*Y=XY, Y^2=Y2, F):
  r   := [1=eval(F, IND=~0), seq(IND[i]=coeff(F, IND[i]), i=1..5)];
  M   := eval( Matrix(3$2, [X2, XY/2, X/2, XY/2, Y2, Y/2, X/2, Y/2, 1]), r);

  Determinant := LinearAlgebra:-Determinant(M[1..2, 1..2]):
  lambda      := convert(Re~(evalf(LinearAlgebra:-Eigenvalues(M))), list):
  Signature   := [
                   numelems(select(`>`, lambda, 0)),
                   numelems(select(`<`, lambda, 0))

  if Determinant < 0 then
    T := "type: Hyperbola":
    if Signature in  {[2, 1], [1, 2]} then
      TT := "subtype: Hyperbola":
    elif Signature = [1, 1] then
      TT := "subtype: two secant straight lines":
    end if:
  elif Determinant = 0 then
    T := "type: Parabola":
    if Signature in  {[2, 1], [1, 2]} then
      TT := "subtype: Parabola":
    elif Signature in {[2, 0], [0, 2]} then
      TT := "subtype: not a real conic":
    elif Signature = [1, 1] then
      TT := "subtype: two parallel straight lines":
    elif Signature in {[1, 0], [0, 1]} then
      TT := "subtype: a single straight line":
    end if:

  elif Determinant > 0 then
    T := "type: Ellipse":
    if Signature in {[3, 0], [0, 3]} then
      TT := "subtype: not a real conic":
    elif Signature in  {[2, 1], [1, 2]} then
      TT := "subtype: Ellipse":
    elif Signature in {[2, 0], [0, 2]}  then
      TT := "subtype: a single point":
    end if:
  end if:

  ['Determinant' = Determinant, 'Signature' = Signature, T, TT]
end proc:




f := randpoly([u, v], degree = 2, coeffs=rand(-1..1));
plots:-implicitplot(f, u=-10..10, v=-10..10, grid=[100$2], color=blue, thickness=3);




[Determinant = 0, Signature = [1, 1], "type: Parabola", "subtype: two parallel straight lines"]







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