
5142 Reputation

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16 years, 318 days



"A map that tried to pin down a sheep trail was just credible,

 but it was an optimistic map that tried to fix a the path made by the wind,

 or a path made across the grass by the shadow of flying birds."

                                                                 - _A Walk through H_, Peter Greenaway


MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by pagan

@Alejandro Jakubi Yes, that makes much more sense. But I've had the same experience several times, in Maple 13 and 14, where Standard suddenly swicthed to character plots in worksheets. It may have been that it just "fixed itself" mysteriously (and I might even have mistakenly interpreted whatever I was trying to do to cure it).

@Alejandro Jakubi Yes, that makes much more sense. But I've had the same experience several times, in Maple 13 and 14, where Standard suddenly swicthed to character plots in worksheets. It may have been that it just "fixed itself" mysteriously (and I might even have mistakenly interpreted whatever I was trying to do to cure it).

Could you post your code, or upload it (green up-arrow) here as a worksheet?

What format were the "extensive equations" in before creation of the PDF documents?

@hirnyk Thanks. And what point release (minor number), may I inquire?

I ask because in my Maple 13.02 (Windows XP) the initial solve step only returns 100 solutions unless I first assign _MaxSols to more (eg. to 10000). So I wonder whether you were running it in 13.00 or 13.01?

On Maple 14.01 and Maple 15 that initial solve step returns "Solutions may be lost", and no solutions. The same if I add the option AllSolutions, with and without the MaxSols option.

@hirnyk Thanks. And what point release (minor number), may I inquire?

I ask because in my Maple 13.02 (Windows XP) the initial solve step only returns 100 solutions unless I first assign _MaxSols to more (eg. to 10000). So I wonder whether you were running it in 13.00 or 13.01?

On Maple 14.01 and Maple 15 that initial solve step returns "Solutions may be lost", and no solutions. The same if I add the option AllSolutions, with and without the MaxSols option.

Could you say which versions (major and minor number) was used here, and on which platofrm? Thanks.

Could you say which versions (major and minor number) was used here, and on which platofrm? Thanks.


B := (n,h) -> (n+h)!/r^(n+h) * (1+(P0+h*P1)*r/n);

expand(simplify( asympt( B(n,1)/B(n,0)-1, n, 3 ) ));

asympt( simplify( B(n,1)/B(n,0)-1 ), n, 3 );

Presumably "persistent tabular data" means that the data in the DataTable gets saved automatically along with the worksheet (and is also recoverable to the Array variable upon restart, with or without a command issued?).

That first bit is not true of 2D Math in the last few releases of Maple.

As 2D Math input f(x):=... causes a disambiguation dialogue popup box to appear, of which "function definition" and "remember table assignment" are the two choices. This has drawbacks because that parsed meaning may not be saved with the worksheet (so re-execution elsewhere would entail that the whoever ran it knew the right choice to make). But it can make a Document look more like textbook math.

I don't like it at all, but some people seem to be ok with it.

The Poster's question has hints that this syntax did in fact produce an operator. In which case he'd be using 2D Math input and it could be fine. Also, mention was made about standard appearance.

That first bit is not true of 2D Math in the last few releases of Maple.

As 2D Math input f(x):=... causes a disambiguation dialogue popup box to appear, of which "function definition" and "remember table assignment" are the two choices. This has drawbacks because that parsed meaning may not be saved with the worksheet (so re-execution elsewhere would entail that the whoever ran it knew the right choice to make). But it can make a Document look more like textbook math.

I don't like it at all, but some people seem to be ok with it.

The Poster's question has hints that this syntax did in fact produce an operator. In which case he'd be using 2D Math input and it could be fine. Also, mention was made about standard appearance.

@Axel Vogt The detailed preview of the Finance package (new in 15) looks a lot like the descriptions of what's up-to-now been called the Financial Modeling Toolbox.

Chris Heckman, the "Worksheet Model" didn't go away; it's there in the Standard GUI.

You just need to change a few preferences.

  • Tools -> Options -> Display tab -> input display -> Maple Notation
    ...then "apply Globally" button at bottom of pop-up
  • Tools -> Options -> Interface tab -> Default format for new workheets -> Worksheet
    ...then "apply Globally" button at bottom of pop-up

And then you'll get red 1D input mode (by default) inside Worksheets (not Documents) when you File->Open (by default).

It's not Classic, but it's like what you'd be getting by opening .mws in Standard.

On 64bit Windows (7, XP64) you can install and run the complete 32bit Maple, including the Classic GUI. I believe what I've seen myself (it works) and Microsoft's own FAQ page entry, and not the Maplesoft system requirements page on this topic.

The same is true for 64bit Linux (provided you install 32bit compatibility runtime packages of the OS).

That's a tidy solution for the Classic fan if you don't need to access more than a few GB of memory.

There is also some messier solution involving unofficially supported "mixing" of components. Ie. 32bit Classic GUI and 64bit kernel/other. I recently did this myself (slight change to the method, a little cleaner). It worked for me, except Help -- but Maple 14 has a stand-alone Help launcher executable now in the folders so I gave that a shortcut to my desktop (and I also made `&?` a postfix operator that launches it).

What I find most interesting is the claim that grtensor doesn't work in Standard. Do you mean that it doesn't work with 2D Math input? If so, then why not change preferences to 1D Maple Notation input and Worksheets instead of Documents, globally across all new sessions?

Or are you saying that grtensor doesn't work in a Standard Worksheet (not Document) when also using 1D input? If so, could you post or upload explicit examples?

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