
5142 Reputation

23 Badges

16 years, 323 days



"A map that tried to pin down a sheep trail was just credible,

 but it was an optimistic map that tried to fix a the path made by the wind,

 or a path made across the grass by the shadow of flying birds."

                                                                 - _A Walk through H_, Peter Greenaway


MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by pagan

What I find interesting is the question of whether simplify() and Algebraic:-Normal() fail to find the simplest compact form of the expression due to some similar underlying cause.

What I find interesting is the question of whether simplify() and Algebraic:-Normal() fail to find the simplest compact form of the expression due to some similar underlying cause.

See also here, which is simpler as a workaround.

Use of syntax like plot(f(x),x=...) often means that the user is not aware of precisely what's going on in the function call. The fact that f(x) as an argument to plot gets evaluated up front, so that plot() actually deals with a returned expression and not the function or operator, can be obscured. So I would advocate not preserving it in a reply, when other forms like,

plot( f, ... )

or even,

plot( 'f'(x), x=... )

may be reasonable for the example at hand.

See also here, which is simpler as a workaround.

Use of syntax like plot(f(x),x=...) often means that the user is not aware of precisely what's going on in the function call. The fact that f(x) as an argument to plot gets evaluated up front, so that plot() actually deals with a returned expression and not the function or operator, can be obscured. So I would advocate not preserving it in a reply, when other forms like,

plot( f, ... )

or even,

plot( 'f'(x), x=... )

may be reasonable for the example at hand.

In Maple 9.5.1,

q2:= (x)-> evalf[50](x*exp(x^2)*(1-erf(x))):
plot(q2, 0 .. 10);

In Maple 9.5.1,

q2:= (x)-> evalf[50](x*exp(x^2)*(1-erf(x))):
plot(q2, 0 .. 10);

This is a strange post to find in the "Announcements" section.

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