
30 Reputation

4 Badges

11 years, 203 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by phil76600

I'm a beginner in maple and some lines are not clear for me.

`f'`:= (-D[2]/D[1])(F) @ (V__b-> (f(V__b),V__b)):

Why is 'f' necessary. That's the kind of subtility that is difficult for me.

And what is that @ in this line ?

Your solution give a result but is quite long in tilme and some holes in the curve. Why ?

again for

Thanks for answer


Hi, Thanks for answer. In fact, quite too simple. An omission.

Thanks a lot for answer. But i'm not a mathematician. So solutions exposed are difficult to reproduce.

I've solved my problem in a sense by adding a damping also on x2 movement.

And there solution is quite simple and plotable. For the moment i'll be happy with that.


dsolve anyway, problem.

... 2 errors. 1st, i didn't define an ode with x2, i think it's the problem.


I'll post next in questions.

Thanks for solution. I understand it.

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