
409 Reputation

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16 years, 315 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by protrader

I tried the automated way but it did not work. I am using Maple 9.5.

The fact is that if the vecor is large, then I should eliminate some of the components that I have their order in a vector or a list:





how can we do this?

Thanks man,

I am using maple 9.5 and I tried this but I could not get the proper answer. Should I call any specific tools? I called with(LinearAlgebra) but it did not work?

Thanks man,

I am using maple 9.5 and I tried this but I could not get the proper answer. Should I call any specific tools? I called with(LinearAlgebra) but it did not work?

But in cases that we don't have any constant, tcoeff does not give us 0: >restart: >eq:=2*x^2+4*y; eq := 2*x^2+4*y >tcoeff(eq); 4 We need here to get 0 as the constant of the equation
But in cases that we don't have any constant, tcoeff does not give us 0: >restart: >eq:=2*x^2+4*y; eq := 2*x^2+4*y >tcoeff(eq); 4 We need here to get 0 as the constant of the equation
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