shimaa sadk

50 Reputation

5 Badges

7 years, 312 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by shimaa sadk

@Carl Love 

thanks for your responding sir;

it's quite of related to my work . depending on the shap op the list b i randomlly eliminated amember of a.

is there is any way to eliminate an amount of members of list by using asimple code in maple


thanks alot it really help


thanks alot sir it realy works,

i have another Question is there any tool in Sumtool help to evaluate the sum very Quiqly


thanks alot of your help;

Hfloot (infinity) it's aresult of aloop consist of 1000 iteration.

some times maple give me aresult of the integration Hfloot. I hope that enough to understand what i mean.

does the comand Expand help to make the evaluation quick over integration?


Your answers really helped me; 



you are agenious sir it actually work thanks alot so much


thanks for your help sir i preciated it so much 


thanks alot sir  for your help my last Question why null doesn't work with fsolve comand inside my loop


actually i want to look for the solving in +ve region and to break the loop and reapeat it with same assign of so 


No that what i didnt mean sir, what i ment that, i have an equation as apart of my loop and some times maple can't solve it so i was looking for acomand that  help me to test if the equation cant be solved then i assign to it another value


thanks alot sir for your help, but  fsolve comand  is not always work and help me in solving my equations . is there is any comand help me to solve my equation for example 


with(LinearAlgebra); with(VectorCalculus); with(Student[LinearAlgebra]); with(SignalProcessing); with(RandomTools); with(Statistics); with(stats);
f[1] := n*R+sum((1/2)*x[g]^2, g = 1 .. n)-(sum((1/2)*(2+a[g])*x[g]^2/(1-(1-Q)*exp(-x[g]^2/(2*R))), g = 1 .. n));
f[2] := m*S+sum((1/2)*y[t]^2, t = 1 .. m)-(sum((1/2)*(2+b[t])*y[t]^2/(1-(1-Q)*exp(-y[t]^2/(2*S))), t = 1 .. m));
f[3] := (n+m+sum(a[g], g = 1 .. n)+sum(b[t], t = 1 .. m))/Q-(sum((2+a[g])/(exp(x[g]^2/(2*R))-1+Q), g = 1 .. n))-(sum((2+b[t])/(exp(y[t]^2/(2*S))-1+Q), t = 1 .. m));
sum(f[i]^2, i = 1 .. 3);

ggrad := Matrix([[diff(sum(f[i]^2, i = 1 .. 3), R)], [diff(sum(f[i]^2, i = 1 .. 3), S)], [diff(sum(f[i]^2, i = 1 .. 3), Q)]]);
n := 50; m := 50;
a := [seq(0, i = 1 .. 50)]; b := [seq(0, i = 1 .. 50)];


E1[1] := 0.5e-1; E2[1] := 0.5e-1; E3[1] := 0.5e-1;
K := 1000;

for so from 0 to K do W := GenerateUniform(n, 0, 1); for iii to n do vv[iii] := W[iii]^(1/(iii+sum(a[jjj], jjj = n-iii+1 .. n))) end do; for sss to n do uu[sss] := 1-product(vv[n-jjj+1], jjj = 1 .. sss); x[sss] := fsolve(1-3/(exp(t^2/(2*.6))-(1-3)) = uu[sss], t = 0 .. infinity) end do; U := GenerateUniform(m, 0, 1); for ii to m do v[ii] := U[ii]^(1/(ii+sum(b[jj], jj = m-ii+1 .. m))) end do; for ss to m do u[ss] := 1-product(v[m-jj+1], jj = 1 .. ss); y[ss] := fsolve(1-3/(exp((1/2)*t^2)-(1-3)) = u[ss], t = 0 .. infinity) end do; C := describe[quartile[1]]([seq(x[i], i = 1 .. n)]); CC := describe[quartile[2]]([seq(x[i], i = 1 .. n)]); CCC := describe[quartile[3]]([seq(x[i], i = 1 .. n)]); L := describe[quartile[1]]([seq(y[i], i = 1 .. m)]); LL := describe[quartile[2]]([seq(y[i], i = 1 .. m)]); LLL := describe[quartile[3]]([seq(y[i], i = 1 .. m)]); R[1] := fsolve(3*exp(C^2/(2*R))-exp(CC^2/(2*R)) = 2, R = 0 .. infinity); S[1] := fsolve(3*exp(L^2/(2*S))-exp(LL^2/(2*S)) = 2, S = 0 .. infinity); Q[1] := ((eval(exp(CC^2/(2*R))-1, R = R[1])+eval(exp(LL^2/(2*S))-1, S = S[1]))*(1/2)+(eval(3*exp(L^2/(2*S))-3, S = S[1])+eval(3*exp(C^2/(2*R))-3, R = R[1]))*(1/2))*(1/2) end do;


@Mariusz Iwaniuk 

iam sorry if i bothering you; could you look please for my last  uplood wrk sheat and 
help me with any suggestion?

thanks alot for your help  god please you

@Mariusz Iwaniuk 
thanks alot sir for your help..........i have another Question
how can i prevent all this writting from apperence and what does this writting means ??
when i applay it into another integration i have the following massage 
Error, (in evalf/int) invalid method, ftocms
here is my proplem i dealing with and unfortunately my proplem still the same




r[1] := int(VectorCalculus:-`*`(VectorCalculus:-`*`(VectorCalculus:-`*`(lambda[1], alpha^2), exp(VectorCalculus:-`*`(lambda[1], Z))), 1/VectorCalculus:-`*`(VectorCalculus:-`+`(exp(VectorCalculus:-`*`(lambda[1], Z)), VectorCalculus:-`-`(VectorCalculus:-`+`(1, VectorCalculus:-`-`(alpha))))^2, VectorCalculus:-`+`(exp(VectorCalculus:-`*`(lambda[2], Z)), VectorCalculus:-`-`(VectorCalculus:-`+`(1, VectorCalculus:-`-`(alpha)))))), Z = 0 .. infinity);

int(lambda[1]*alpha^2*exp(lambda[1]*Z)/((exp(lambda[1]*Z)-1+alpha)^2*(exp(lambda[2]*Z)-1+alpha)), Z = 0 .. infinity)





R[1] := Expand(diff(r[1], lambda[1])):

lambda[1] := VectorCalculus:-`*`(3, 1/10):

aa[1] := 0:

r_r[1] := Re(simplify(r[1]))



R_R[1] := Re(evalf(R[1]));







Warning,  computation interrupted












Warning,  computation interrupted




Warning,  computation interrupted




@Carl Love 

hi sir, iam trying to generate asample of binomial distribution as he does, but the problem is X[i] is given as alist of one number and 

x[i+1] :=x[i]-3  so x[i+1] can't be evaluated becoust it's consist of alist is there any way to transform this list to just anumber??


the problem occurs when i solve three equations in threes unkown parameters the result is given by 

and i want the first value is given to anew sympol for example called <R[0]> and so on 
is there a way to solve agroup of equations and the result  came in a list instead of agroup and could i control the naming of the results

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