
40 Reputation

6 Badges

8 years, 60 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by uomcsg

Hello everyone,

I am making a mobile robot simulation in the MapleSim environment and I need to create varriable (uneven) terrain, do I need an additional library for that?

If not how can I do so?

Thanks for your time!


Hello everyone,

I am trying to create a custom component to find the minimum between 3 values.

I know that in Maple it is done by:

l := [5, 2, 3];
min(l[1], l[2], l[3]);

However I could not do the same with a custom component. I provided a screenshot below, where h(1), h(2), and h(3) are my input values and min(h1,h2,h3) is my output.

Thanks in advance,


Hello everyone,

For some reason, the rising edge block is not working how it is supposed to.

The component decription is as follows: "

The Rising Edge component triggers a Boolean expression, true, in the output, y, when a rising edge is detected at the input, u.

I am applying a step signal. (red waveform)

and this is the probe's measurement:

Why is it not detecting the rising edge?



Hi everyone,

I need to assign the output of the timer block to a variable which is then will be used in a trapeziod signal to add a time offset. Please see the visual below.

Thanks for your time,


Hi everyone,

I need some help with the following error,

How can i solve this problem?

Thanks for your time

Best regards,


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