
13305 Reputation

20 Badges

9 years, 116 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by vv

@Kitonum Yes, I misread (-5,0).

@Axel Vogt  If (x,y,z) in dom(f)  and v = f(x,y,z), then x>0  and we may assume x <= y <= z. v = f(x/z, y/z, 1) and x/z,y/z are in [0,1]. A = {(x,y) :x*y=0 or x=y=1}.

The function f defined by fun is 0-homogeneous ( f(tx,ty,tz) = f(x,y,z), for t>0 )  and symmetric, so, in order to compute the sup we may consider just f(x,y,1)  for (x, y) in [0,1]^2 \ A.

Note that 

limit(f(a^2, a,1) , a=0, right) = 3,  limit(f(a, a,1) , a=0, right) = 4*sqrt(2) - 3 = 2.65... 

So, the sup is probably indeed 3, but I wonder what numerical test could confirm it at least partially! 

@mmcdara The fact that T(S) has a power of 2 elements is a classical result (for arbitrary cardinals); as a consequence, T(S) cannot be countable. I used to prove this to my students.

The number of sets in a (sigma-)algebra should be a power of 2 i.e. 2,4,8, ...

Yes, but PDEtools:-Solve shows a nonsense instead.

@Carl Love A very professional code. Vote up!

1. You forgot to state the (optimal control?) problem.

2. ss seems to contain an algorithm for the unstated problem. Are you sure that it is correct?

3. Do you know the exact solution of your problem. Probably it can be obtained because the ODE has a simple symbolic solution.

4. NLPSolve does not work for me for nvar=3. Does it work for you as it is?

5. Have you considered the fact that NLPSolve gives in general only local minima?

@tomleslie See the matrix form of the command.

@Carl Love Yes, but then the results of LC and LeafCount will not be exactly the same.

@sursumCorda Yes, I see it now.

It seems that in seq(expr, 1..n),  expr is evaluated n times   but in seq(expr, n) ,  expr is evaluted n+1 times (being evaluated once befor creating the sequence).
But note that this is not actually a bug,  because the second form is not documented!

seq((u:=u+1), 3)
#                            u := 10
#                           12, 13, 14
seq((u:=u+1), 1..3)
#                            u := 10
#                           11, 12, 13



evalf(Int(convert(x^(x^x), exp), x=1..6));

     1.102664999 * 10^36300

@Carl Love I obtain an error due to complex values for sample. But this works:

plot([LambertW(x), LambertW(-1,x)], x=-1..4, view=[-1..4, -3.5..1.5], colour=[red,blue], scaling=constrained, labels=[x,LambertW(x)], adaptive=15);


@Axel Vogt  mma gives:

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